Embark on a nostalgic journey through the iconic Kanto region in Pokémon GO’s Rediscovoring Kanto event. Capture Pokémon from the first generation in various biomes and enjoy exciting bonuses. Here’s everything you need to know about this thrilling event!
Event Details
The Rediscovoring Kanto event kicked off on April 22, 2024, and will run until May 9, 2024. During this period, players will immerse themselves in the Pokémon world as introduced by Niantic. Additionally, they’ll encounter Pokémon from the Kanto region in specific biomes.
Event Bonuses
- Increased XP for spinning PokéStops on seven-day streaks.
- Increased XP for catching Pokémon on seven-day streaks.
- Faster friendship level increases by opening gifts, trading Pokémon, or battling together in raids, Gyms, or Trainer Battles.
- Higher chance of encountering shiny Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle in their respective biomes!
Featured Attack Unlocks
During the event, players can unlock the following featured attacks by evolving certain Pokémon:
- Venusaur: Evolve Ivysaur (Bulbasaur’s evolution) to obtain a Venusaur that knows the charged attack Frenzy Plant.
- Charizard: Evolve Charmeleon (Charmander’s evolution) to obtain a Charizard that knows the charged attack Blast Burn.
- Blastoise: Evolve Wartortle (Squirtle’s evolution) to obtain a Blastoise that knows the charged attack Hydro Cannon.
Field Research Rewards
Complete field research tasks during the event to earn the following rewards:
- Venusaur Mega Energy
- Charizard Mega Energy
- Blastoise Mega Energy
Special Research
All players can participate in special research tasks offering rewards such as items, Stardust, and encounters with event Pokémon.
Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to relive the magic of the Kanto region in Pokémon GO. Get ready to embark on an adventure filled with nostalgia, bonuses, and special encounters!