Thanatos and His Winning Mentality: Cloud9’s Hope for Restoring Glory in League of Legends

Thanatos and His Winning Mentality: Cloud9’s Hope for Restoring Glory in League of Legends

9. June 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Cloud9 faces significant adversity in the LCS once again. As six-time champions, they risk losing a legendary streak: Since their debut in 2013, Cloud9 has reached a final at least once every year. With that record on the line, they turned to South Korea for solutions and found Park “Thanatos” Seung-gyu.

Thanatos: The Prodigy from Dplus KIA

Thanatos, a highly touted top lane prodigy from Dplus KIA, is tasked with helping Cloud9 stabilize and make a push for the LCS Summer Split title. After a disappointing third-place finish in the Spring Split, changes were inevitable.

thanatos lol

Key Changes to the Roster

Cloud9 made two crucial changes: Thanatos replaced Ibrahim “Fudge” Allami, and they brought back Bok “Reapered” Han-gyu, who coached the team from 2016 to 2020. The poor showing in the Spring Split playoffs necessitated these changes. While Fudge wasn’t the only problem, the top lane was the easiest position to replace due to market availability.

Notable Players in Cloud9:

  1. Park “Thanatos” Seung-gyu: Highly touted top lane prodigy from Dplus KIA, tasked with stabilizing Cloud9’s performance.
  2. Bok “Reapered” Han-gyu: Returning coach who previously led Cloud9 from 2016 to 2020, providing strategic guidance.
  3. Blaber: Talented jungler known for his aggressive playstyle and exceptional map control.
  4. Perkz: Former mid laner from G2 Esports, now transitioning to the ADC role for Cloud9, bringing experience and leadership.
  5. Zven: Veteran ADC known for his consistency and clutch performances in high-pressure situations.

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Thanatos’ Winning Mindset

During LCS’s media day, Thanatos shared his thoughts on the challenges ahead and his mindset. “The only focus for a pro player is to win, so my only focus is to win the LCS. If we win the LCS, we can go to Worlds,” he said.

This winning mentality is crucial for a team as prestigious as Cloud9, who have won multiple NA championships since 2020 and are vying to tie their former rivals, TSM, at seven championships. With TSM no longer part of the LCS, Cloud9 has a great chance to break this record.

Overcoming Rivals and New Challenges

To win the LCS, Cloud9 must surpass the defending champions, Team Liquid. TL’s impressive performance at MSI, where they eliminated Fnatic and competed fiercely against the defending world champions, T1, sets a high bar. “Team Liquid was so good against T1. They defied expectations and did better than I thought,” Thanatos remarked.

League of Legends Who Is Thanatos

Adapting to the New Team

Thanatos has smoothly transitioned into his new squad after being with Dplus since 2020. Post Spring Split, Cloud9 quickly prepared for summer by heading to Korea. The Korean organization FearX hosted the LCS squad for their boot camp, culminating in a 1-1 showmatch.

This match, although not significant in terms of stakes, was the first chance for Cloud9 fans to see their new top laner in action and for Thanatos to understand his teammates’ playstyles. “I got pretty close with my teammates, and because I was able to meet them in Korea, where it’s my home base, it’s been very easy to adjust,” he said.

Team Integration and Support

Cloud9 has always excelled at helping new imports adjust quickly. Many C9 staff and some players speak Korean, facilitating Thanatos’s transition to a new language and culture. “The players are making a real effort to make me feel comfortable, and I can see the effort. It feels like it’s really easy to get close to them,” he noted.


Thanatos’ Contribution to Cloud9

When asked about his contribution to Cloud9, Thanatos highlighted his adaptability. “I think my strength is that I’m a top laner who can carry when needed, but I’m not focused on carrying if I can’t. I won’t cause disturbance to my teammates. If I have to carry, I will carry, but I can also play a supportive role well,” he said.

This flexibility is invaluable. The best players can pivot as needed, adding an extra dimension to the team’s strategy. With the LCS reintroducing best-of-threes, a versatile player like Thanatos is a significant asset for Cloud9.

Proving Himself to the Fans

Thanatos aims to prove his worth to fans who may doubt his signing over an established LCS player. “I know there are fans who don’t know me yet and who probably don’t have much faith in me, but I’m going to prove myself through my performance and play,” he asserted.

LCS Overhaul: Best-of-3 Series Return and New Playoff Format for Summer Split


Cloud9 begins their LCS Summer Split campaign against Dignitas on Saturday, June 15, at 6pm CT. Thanatos is determined to make a strong first impression and lead Cloud9 back to glory. With a winning mentality, a supportive team environment, and his adaptable playstyle, Thanatos is poised to be a key player in Cloud9’s quest for the LCS title.