LoL: Riot Games Evaluates Potential for MSI 2025 in the Middle East

LoL: Riot Games Evaluates Potential for MSI 2025 in the Middle East

15. July 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Rumors are swirling around the possibility of the 2025 Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) taking place in the Middle East. Riot Games has weighed in to address the speculation.

The Context: Esports World Cup and League of Legends

Following the Esports World Cup held in Saudi Arabia, the League of Legends community began buzzing with speculation about the future location of major tournaments. The success of the event in the Middle East sparked curiosity and rumors about the potential for the MSI to be hosted in a similar location.

LeagueofLegends MSI2022 Trophy Victory

Riot Games’ Official Standpoint

Riot Games recently outlined their competitive plans for the upcoming season, which includes significant changes to their tournament structure. The addition of a third international tournament has prompted a shift in the competitive calendar, pushing the MSI to July.


Addressing the Rumors

Chris Greeley, Head of Esports Strategy at Riot Games, took to social media to address these rumors directly. He stated:

The shift of the MSI to July was planned independently of the Esports World Cup. While the timing coincides, we have no plans to hold the MSI in the Middle East for 2025 or in the foreseeable future.

This statement clarifies Riot’s position and addresses the speculation surrounding the potential relocation of the MSI.

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Impacts and Future Planning

Riot Games’ firm response underscores their strategic approach to tournament placements. The decision to move the MSI to July is part of a broader plan to optimize the competitive season, rather than a reaction to external events.

With major events like the Esports World Cup and the MSI occurring in the same month, Riot Games faces the challenge of coordinating schedules to avoid conflicts. This includes ensuring that teams can participate in both events without logistical issues.

Highlights of Riot Games’ Announcement

  1. Introduction of a Third International Tournament: Riot Games is expanding their competitive offerings with the addition of a new international event.
  2. MSI Timing Shift: The MSI will now take place in July, aligning with the new competitive schedule.
  3. Middle East Hosting Speculation Addressed: Riot Games has confirmed that the MSI will not be held in the Middle East in 2025 or in the near future.


Riot Games’ Firm Stance

Riot Games’ decision to move the MSI to July and their clear communication regarding the event’s location highlight their proactive planning. This strategic approach ensures that the competitive season remains robust and well-coordinated.

Final Toughts

Riot Games has definitively stated that the MSI 2025 will not be held in the Middle East. As they continue to refine and expand their competitive structure, it’s essential to monitor how these changes impact the overall esports landscape.

Effective coordination and strategic planning will be crucial for sustaining the growth and popularity of League of Legends esports.

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