The Worst Champions in LoL Competitive History: Who Hasn’t Made It to Worlds?

The Worst Champions in LoL Competitive History: Who Hasn’t Made It to Worlds?

16. August 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

As the League of Legends competitive scene continues to evolve, champion diversity has reached new heights. With the 2023 World Championship already breaking records for the number of unique champions picked or banned, it’s clear that the meta has never been more varied.

However, some champions remain consistently overlooked by the pros, and a few have never made an appearance on the Worlds stage.

Champions Who Have Never Appeared at Worlds

Despite the increasing number of champions being picked, three characters have yet to make their debut at a World Championship. Here’s a look at these unfortunate champions:

  1. Master Yi

    MasterYi 0

    • Presence in Elite Competitions: 0.3%
    • Last Competitive Appearance: Season 8
      Master Yi’s competitive presence is minimal, mostly seen during the infamous “funnel strategy” era in Season 8. Despite being a powerhouse in solo queue, he hasn’t found a place in the current professional meta, and unless Riot implements a significant rework, it seems unlikely that he will.
  2. Illaoi

    Illaoi 0

    • Presence in Elite Competitions: 0.9%
    • Last Competitive Appearance: LCK Summer 2020
      Illaoi’s raw power in solo queue hasn’t translated to the pro scene, where she’s only seen sporadic play. Her most notable presence was in the LCK Summer 2020, but even then, it was limited to a single team that ended up at the bottom of the standings.
  3. Akshan

    Aspecto centrado Akshan Base

    • First Worlds Appearance Opportunity: 2023
      Akshan, a relatively new addition to the roster, has struggled to find his footing in professional play. His niche as an AD mid-laner hasn’t convinced teams to prioritize him over more established picks like Yone. There’s hope that with time and adjustments, he might find his way into future competitive metas.

Champions with a Consistent Worlds Presence

On the flip side, some champions have become staples of the competitive scene, appearing in every World Championship since their debut. This elite group includes:

  • Nidalee (2011)
  • Lee Sin (2011)
  • Orianna (2012)
  • Jayce (2012)
  • Lucian (2014)
  • Braum (2014)
  • Gnar (2015)
  • Tahm Kench (2015)
  • Jhin (2016)
  • Rakan (2017)
  • Camille (2017)
  • Ornn (2018)
  • Senna (2020)
  • Sett (2020)
  • Lillia (2020)
  • Aphelios (2020)
  • Bardo (2015)
  • Syndra (2013)

These champions have become iconic within the Worlds meta, often reflecting the evolving strategies and priorities of the competitive scene.

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The Changing Landscape of Competitive LoL

The fact that newer champions like Vex, Bel’Veth, and Renata quickly found their way into the Worlds meta suggests that Riot Games is prioritizing competitive viability when designing new champions. This trend indicates a shift toward more balanced and versatile champions that can thrive in the high-stakes environment of professional play.


While some champions struggle to make an impact on the competitive scene, others have become fixtures of the meta. The reasons behind these disparities are multifaceted, ranging from the inherent design of the champions to the evolving strategies of professional teams.

As League of Legends continues to grow and change, it will be interesting to see which champions rise to prominence and which remain in the shadows.

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