Windranger Takes Over TI13: The Most Contested Hero of the Tournament

Windranger Takes Over TI13: The Most Contested Hero of the Tournament

12. September 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

As The International 13 (TI13) moves closer to its grand finale, one hero has emerged as a standout in both the group stages and playoffs: Windranger. Unexpectedly, this hero has become the most contested pick of the tournament, boasting a contest rate of 86% in all games so far.

Why is Windranger So Popular at TI13?

Windranger’s surge in popularity at TI13 can be attributed to her incredible flexibility. She’s effective in two distinct roles, able to shift between a position four support and a position one carry. This versatility makes her a top choice for professional teams, allowing her to control side lanes, build net worth quickly, and scale effectively into the late game.

Windranger’s effectiveness stems from her powerful abilities, which shine depending on the role she is playing. As a support, her Focus Fire ability allows her to take down high-priority targets quickly, while in a carry role, her Whirlwind ability enables her to dominate team fights, shredding through enemies.

Some of the tournament’s top players, including Xtreme Gaming’s Wang “Ame” Chunyu and Cloud9’s Alimzhan “watson” Islambekov, have demonstrated Windranger’s potential, showcasing her dominance in the TI13 playoffs.

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The Role of Gleipnir in Windranger’s Rise

One of the key reasons behind Windranger’s rise in the meta is her synergy with the item Gleipnir. Whenever Gleipnir becomes a strong pick, heroes with hard-hitting abilities but unreliable setups—like Windranger—tend to become more viable. The item’s easy buildup from Maelstrom into Rod of Atos makes it accessible, allowing Windranger to make the most out of her abilities.

Gleipnir’s popularity is also contributing to the rise of other heroes, such as Mirana and Nature’s Prophet, who benefit from its utility in their own setups and damage output.

Windranger stats

Windranger’s Impact Across All Ranks

Windranger’s success at TI13 has also spilled over into public matches, where she is now the fifth most popular hero across all ranks. This makes it an ideal time for players to pick up Windranger and take advantage of her current strength before any potential nerfs are introduced.


As TI13 enters its main stage on September 13, all eyes are on Windranger and whether she will continue to dominate the meta. With her high contest rate and game-changing impact, it’s clear that Windranger will remain a key figure in The International 13 as the tournament moves toward crowning a new champion.

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