LoL Patch 14.19: Major Nerfs to Vladimir’s Overpowered Healing Abilities

LoL Patch 14.19: Major Nerfs to Vladimir’s Overpowered Healing Abilities

13. September 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Vladimir, the Crimson Reaper, has dominated League of Legends with his strong healing abilities, and Riot Games is finally addressing the issue in patch 14.19. After a series of buffs made him a powerhouse, particularly in the top lane, Vladimir’s reign is set to end with significant changes to his core healing mechanic.

Vladimir’s Healing and Why It Became a Problem

Over the past few patches, Vladimir has become a top-tier pick, thanks largely to his ability to outlast opponents in lane. His healing allowed him to trade with enemies and quickly recover the damage taken, making him nearly unstoppable, especially in extended fights.

Players started capitalizing on these buffs, exploiting Vladimir’s sustain and lifesteal to dominate matches.

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Patch 14.19 Nerfs to Vladimir

Riot Games has finally responded to community feedback, acknowledging that Vladimir’s healing had become excessive. The upcoming patch 14.19 will nerf his Sanguine Pool (W), the key ability that allows him to heal from damaging enemies.

Here are the specific changes:

  • Sanguine Pool (W) Healing:
    • Healing against minions reduced from 100% to 60%.
    • This adjustment aims to curb Vladimir’s ability to recover health during laning phases and reduce his overall survivability.

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Why the Nerfs Were Necessary

Vladimir’s ability to heal at an overwhelming rate allowed him to control the lane with little consequence. Many players were running him with Grasp of the Undying to maximize his sustain, allowing him to continuously heal with trades against enemy champions.

His W ability provided him with significant healing from minions, making it difficult for opponents to push him out of lane or counter his aggressive playstyle. These nerfs are intended to address his sustain and reduce his ability to turn unfavorable situations into favorable ones purely through healing.

Key Takeaways from Patch 14.19

  1. Sanguine Pool Healing Nerf: Healing from minions reduced to 60%.
  2. Reduced Lane Dominance: Vladimir will no longer be able to easily recover health through minion damage, curbing his overpowered sustain.
  3. Build Adjustments: Players might need to reconsider Vladimir’s build and rune choices, especially Grasp of the Undying.
  4. Impact on Top Lane Meta: Vladimir’s nerfs could see him fall out of favor as a top lane pick, allowing other champions to regain prominence.


Riot’s decision to nerf Vladimir in patch 14.19 marks an essential step in balancing his healing mechanics, bringing his sustain back in line with the rest of the champion roster.

While Vladimir will still be a formidable pick in the right hands, his excessive healing from minions has been significantly toned down, making him less dominant in the top lane.

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