How Long Does It Take to Receive a Deadlock Invite? Everything You Need to Know

How Long Does It Take to Receive a Deadlock Invite? Everything You Need to Know

17. September 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

If you’re waiting for a Deadlock invitation and are wondering how long it will take, you’re not alone. As Deadlock is currently available by invite-only, many eager players are curious about when they can expect their access. While some players receive their invites quickly, others experience delays.

This guide will help you understand how the Deadlock invite system works, the expected waiting time, and what steps you can take if your invite doesn’t come through.

How Long Does It Take to Receive a Deadlock Invite?

According to Deadlock, invites are typically sent out within 1-2 days after a friend sends you one. However, this process can sometimes take longer due to server delays, technical issues, or other factors. While most players report receiving their invite within a couple of days, it’s not uncommon for it to take a bit longer.

Here’s what Deadlock officially states about invitation times:

Invites are typically sent out within 1-2 days, but sometimes may take longer.

While waiting, it’s essential to remain patient. If you’ve been waiting for more than two days and haven’t received your invite, it might be a glitch or delay.

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Steps to Invite Friends in Deadlock

If you’re the one sending an invite, the process is quite simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Log into Deadlock – If you have access to the game, you’ll see an option to invite friends.
  2. Select Friends – Click the invite button and choose anyone from your friends list who doesn’t yet have access.
  3. Send the Invite – The invitation will be sent, but it might take some time for your friend to receive it.

Once you send the invite, your friend should get it in 1-2 days, though sometimes it might take a bit longer.

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What to Do If Your Deadlock Invite Doesn’t Arrive

If you’re sure that a friend has sent you an invite, but you haven’t received it after the expected timeframe, here are some things you can try:

  1. Wait a bit longer – Sometimes delays happen, so give it a few extra days before taking further action.
  2. Ask another friend to send an invite – If the first invite didn’t work, ask a different friend to try sending you one.
  3. Remove and re-add the friend – Have your friend remove you from their Steam list, re-add you, and try inviting you again.
  4. Create a new Steam account – As a last resort, try creating a new Steam account and have your friend send an invite to that account.

Unfortunately, if none of these steps work, you may need to wait until Deadlock officially launches for public access.


Receiving a Deadlock invite usually takes 1-2 days, but there can be occasional delays. If your invite doesn’t arrive within that time, try having another friend send one or follow the troubleshooting steps mentioned above. For now, patience is key until Deadlock becomes widely available to everyone.

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