Riot Games Introduces Major Changes for LoL in 2025: Three Seasonal Splits with Rank Resets

Riot Games Introduces Major Changes for LoL in 2025: Three Seasonal Splits with Rank Resets

24. September 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Riot Games has officially announced significant changes to League of Legends’ competitive structure for 2025. In a surprising move, Riot plans to replace the current division system with three distinct seasons throughout the year, each featuring unique themes, content, and rank resets.

A New Seasonal Approach for 2025

The upcoming changes for 2025 will introduce three seasonal splits, each with its own narrative and progression system. The aim is to bring more variety and excitement to the ranked experience by offering new themes and content for each period. This shift will also mark the end of the controversial division system that has been in place.

Andrei van Roon, the head of the studio, explained the motivation behind this change:

The goal is for each season to feel different, with unique experiences, themes, and standout moments.”

In addition to thematic shifts, Riot plans to limit new champion releases to one per season, making these champions the focal point of each period. Gameplay updates and balance changes will also be aligned with these seasons, though further details will be revealed later in 2024.

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Addressing Player Motivation and Split Fatigue

One of the driving forces behind these changes is the growing player fatigue during the final split of each year. Riot hopes that the introduction of three seasons with fresh content and a reset at the end of each split will keep the competitive environment engaging year-round.

To further encourage participation, new forms of competition will be explored, details of which will be shared in a development update expected in November, coinciding with the conclusion of Arcane.

The Final Split of Season 14

As Riot looks to the future, players still have the third and final split of Season 14 to look forward to, which begins on September 26 with the arrival of Patch 14.19. The adjustments for 2025 also align with changes in the professional scene, where the competitive landscape will evolve to include three international tournaments per year.


Riot’s ambitious changes for 2025 are designed to inject new life into League of Legends’ ranked system and maintain player engagement throughout the year.

By introducing seasonal resets and thematic splits, Riot aims to create a more dynamic and exciting competitive environment for both casual and professional players alike.

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