Deadlock: Best Settings to Maximize Performance and FPS

Deadlock: Best Settings to Maximize Performance and FPS

24. September 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

“Deadlock” is a fast-paced MOBA shooter that demands smooth gameplay to stay competitive. If your PC isn’t a high-end gaming rig, optimizing your settings can greatly improve your FPS and overall performance, ensuring that you can stay in the game without lagging, even during intense team fights or extended 1v1 battles.

In competitive online games, high FPS (frames per second) is critical for smooth gameplay, reducing input lag, and providing the best possible reaction time.

Many players experience stuttering or frame drops simply because their game settings aren’t configured properly. Fortunately, by tweaking a few key settings, you can enhance your gaming experience in Deadlock.

How to Adjust Video Settings in Deadlock

Follow these steps to adjust your settings:

  1. Launch Deadlock.
  2. Click on “Settings” at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Navigate to the “Video” tab.

Now, let’s get into the best settings for maximizing FPS and maintaining a balanced visual experience.

Deadlock Settings 1024x576

Optimal Video Settings for Deadlock

ResolutionPlayer preference
Refresh RateThe highest your monitor supports
Display ModeFullscreen
Full Screen Focus BehaviorOn
Reduce Flashing EffectsPlayer preference
Render Quality55%
Screen Space AOOff
Distance Field AOOff
Motion BlurOff
Shadow QualityMedium
Texture QualityLow
Distance Field ShadowsOn
Displacement MappingOff
Post Process BloomOff
Effects BloomOff
Area LightsOff
Depth of FieldOff

Deadlock Video Settings 1024x576

Explanation of Key Settings

  • Display Mode: Fullscreen – Running games in fullscreen mode can enhance performance as it dedicates more resources to the game.
  • Render Quality: 55% – Lowering this setting reduces the load on your GPU, improving FPS while still maintaining decent visuals.
  • Anti-Aliasing: FXAA – This provides a smoother look without demanding too much from your system.
  • Shadows & Texture Quality – Medium and Low settings strike a balance between visual quality and performance.
  • Disable unnecessary effects – Turn off Motion Blur, Depth of Field, and Bloom to reduce distractions and increase FPS.


By adjusting these video settings in Deadlock, you’ll optimize performance and FPS, ensuring a smoother and more responsive gameplay experience.

Lowering unnecessary effects and focusing on essential visuals helps make the game run fluidly even on lower-end PCs. For competitive play, maximizing performance is key to staying ahead.

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