Deadlock: Complete Guide to Successfully Parrying

Deadlock: Complete Guide to Successfully Parrying

26. September 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

In the fast-paced world of Deadlock, mastering the parry mechanic is crucial for countering melee-focused heroes and turning the tide in close-quarters combat. This guide provides an in-depth look at how to parry effectively and which heroes you should be on the lookout for.

Understanding Parrying in Deadlock

To initiate a parry in Deadlock, simply press the “F” key (or your configured bind). This action creates a blue glow around your hero, signifying that you are prepared to counter an incoming melee attack. If executed correctly, you will stun the enemy for two seconds, leaving them vulnerable to follow-up attacks.

Key Points:

  • Timing is Critical: A successful parry requires precise timing. Mistiming it leaves you exposed, as you cannot shoot or move while parrying.
  • Know Your Opponent: Observing your opponent’s attack patterns will help you determine the best moments to parry.

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Parrying Strategies

Mastering the parry is about developing a feel for the game and recognizing which heroes pose the greatest threat. Some heroes, like Abrams, are more predictable in their melee attacks, making them ideal candidates for parrying.

Key Heroes to Parry Against:

  1. Abrams
  2. Haze
  3. Infernus
  4. Ivy
  5. Lash
  6. Mo & Krill
  7. Warden
  8. Yamato

Additionally, you can parry attacks from Guardians during their melee strikes, providing an aggressive edge in early game skirmishes. However, timing this correctly is essential, so consider practicing in the Sandbox mode to hone your skills.

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Tips for Successful Parrying

  • Stay Alert: Always be aware of your opponent’s position and potential moves.
  • Practice Timing: Spend time in the Sandbox to get comfortable with the timing required for successful parries.
  • Stay Aggressive: Use parrying not just defensively but also as a means to initiate attacks once your opponent is stunned.


Perfecting your parry in Deadlock can significantly enhance your gameplay and give you an advantage over melee-heavy heroes. By understanding the mechanics and practicing against various opponents, you’ll be able to fend off attacks effectively and dominate in close-quarters combat. Happy gaming!

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