Deadlock Experemental: The Trending Dota 2 vs Deadlock Game Created by a Russian Fan

Deadlock Experemental: The Trending Dota 2 vs Deadlock Game Created by a Russian Fan

22. October 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Popular Russian YouTuber Meeponegeroi, known for his high-octane Dota 2 content aimed at the Russian-speaking audience, has recently made waves in the gaming community with his latest creation. Combining the best elements of Dota 2 and Deadlock, he has released a game that fans are calling a masterpiece.

Deadlock Experemental: A Unique Fusion of Dota 2 and Deadlock

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Meeponegeroi’s latest creation, Deadlock Experemental, is now available in the Dota 2 Arcade. While the Arcade features many modded Dota 2 games, this one stands out for its innovative approach.

In Deadlock Experemental, players are divided into two teams—Dota 2 and Deadlock. If you land on the Dota 2 side, you’ll play from a third-person perspective, controlling familiar Dota 2 heroes.

But if you’re assigned to the Deadlock side, you’ll find yourself in a first-person shooter mode, controlling Deadlock characters. This asymmetrical setup creates a thrilling experience where two completely different gameplay styles clash.

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The Community’s Reaction

Despite its “experimental” status, Deadlock Experemental has already garnered praise from the Dota 2 community. One Reddit user noted that Meeponegeroi was also responsible for another custom game that blended Dota 2 with League of Legends, integrating half of the League map onto the Dire side. His talent for merging different game elements has once again impressed fans.

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Could Valve Take Notice?

The mixed gameplay perspective and diverse hero pools have intrigued many players. While Deadlock Experemental has yet to fully catch fire, the potential for growth is evident. Many are speculating if Valve might see the game’s potential and turn it into a full-fledged project.

We’ve seen Valve act on fan-made games before. In 2020, Valve launched Dota Underlords, a 3D chess-like game inspired by the popular Dota Auto Chess mod from the Dota 2 Arcade. Dota Auto Chess once peaked with over 100,000 players, leading Riot Games to develop their own version, Teamfight Tactics, which remains massively popular with 33 million monthly players.

Although Dota Underlords has since faded in popularity, Teamfight Tactics continues to thrive. Could Deadlock Experemental spark a similar trend? Only time will tell if Valve or another publisher decides to take this fan creation to the next level.


Deadlock Experemental is more than just a fan mod—it’s a game that could reshape how we think about hybrid gameplay. Whether Valve picks it up or not, Meeponegeroi’s creation has already caught the community’s attention, and its future looks promising.

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