Details of LoL’s new champion leaked

Details of LoL’s new champion leaked

24. August 2023 by miranda angeles

The leakers don’t stop searching for information for the LoL fan community. Recently, new details of the new LoL champion have been leaked. The leakers have shown the splash art of Briar.

Details of LoL’s new champion leaked

Thanks to Briar’s splash art, we have seen that the new champion is out for revenge. Undoubtedly, the leakers have worked very hard to find this important detail long before the developers wanted to release it.

The official image of Briar, the upcoming hungry jungler that fans will learn many more details about in the coming weeks, has surfaced on the Internet. The leaker who revealed Briar’s official image was Big Bad Bear. The video was posted yesterday on his YouTube channel. It is important to note that it is a leak so far. It is unknown if Briar will appear on the game servers.

How is Briar, the new LoL champion?

According to the image published in the Big Bad Bear video, she is a young vampire with very pale skin. This champion wears black clothes and has eerie white hair with crimson-red details on the ends.

It can be said that Briar’s face is very similar to Vex’s face. However, Briar has some distinctive features, such as bulging eyes that lack pupils, which could mean the champion is blind. In case this champion is blind, as Lee, the blind monk, is, Briar’s other senses will be very well developed.

On the other hand, in the video, we can see that Briar seems to be locked in a peculiar pillory reminiscent of the object shown in a Riot Games teaser. At the same time, in the video, we can see that the champion can only move her head a little, which could mean that all her power is chained for her protection. On the other hand, some sources indicate that Briar will escape from her prison at some point and get a significant increase in power.

Other details about the new LoL Champion

On the other hand, other details about LoL’s new champion have been leaked. Briar will likely have access to a boost, a scare, and some life steal for her abilities. It is unknown whether her skills, descriptions, or icons will be part of her toolkit when she officially joins LoL. It is important to note that no context has been shown for this inclusion.

In addition, the source of these leaks and the integrity of the details shown in the video are currently unknown. So we must wait for the developers to reveal some official information confirming the details of the new champion.