Madrid, renowned as a hub for gamers, has chosen its champion for its most cherished game: Tetris. Amidst an electrifying atmosphere and nearly three hours of nail-biting competition, José Delgado emerged as the victor of the Red Bull Tetris National Championship. Despite the early threats of rain, skies cleared up by 7:30 PM, setting the perfect stage for the grand finale.
A Gathering of Elite Players
Callao Square in Madrid buzzed with excitement as the top 8 players, hailing from various corners of Spain, showcased their Tetris prowess in front of hundreds of eager spectators. Each round was a fierce best-of-three clash, culminating in the ultimate showdown between José Delgado and Hangamaster. Their command over this iconic video game kept the audience on the edge of their seats.
A Star-Studded Affair
Notably, influencers TheGrefg and Suja took up hosting duties for the evening. Gaming celebrities like Mayichi, Papi Gavi, and Abby also graced the event, seizing the chance to play Tetris in the heart of Madrid. Moreover, fans from afar could catch all the action live on TheGrefg’s official streaming channel.
High-Profile Partnerships Amplify the Event
The Red Bull Tetris championship was uplifted by collaborations with esteemed partners. Samsung, the main partner, ensured that spectators got the best visual experience. In addition, Domino’s and Madrid In Game played pivotal roles in enhancing the overall experience for both the participants and the audience, ensuring utmost comfort throughout the event.
Such events underline the undying love for classic games like Tetris and show how communities come together to celebrate their shared passion. With high-profile partnerships and top-tier gaming talent, Red Bull Tetris has undoubtedly set a gold standard for gaming events in Spain.