Malice: The Trailblazer Before Rekkles in the LCK

Malice: The Trailblazer Before Rekkles in the LCK

23. December 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

As Martin Larsson “Rekkles” captures headlines in the Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) transfer market, it’s vital to remember the original Western pioneer in South Korea’s League of Legends Championship Korea (LCK): Sebastian Edholm “Malice”.

Malice’s Bold Move to South Korea

At 21, Malice made a daring move to South Korea. In the esports world, this age signifies a blend of youthful potential and nascent experience. Unlike his compatriot Rekkles, Malice’s venture into the LCK was his debut, a foray filled with high risks and potential rewards.

LS’s Confidence in Malice

Nick De Cesare “LS”, known for his decisive views in the esports arena, saw potential in Malice, who was close to him. When LS took over the bbq Olivers project with the goal of elevating the team to the LCK, he bet on Malice, one of his trusted players from Europe.

Malice’s Debut and LS’s Project

ls malice

Malice’s first appearance was in the 2018 KeSPA Cup against none other than SK Telecom T1. The following year, 2019, was pivotal for the project. The Spring Split saw the addition of Alexey Zatorski “rjs” (Deus), enhancing the team’s Western core.

The Roller Coaster Journey in Challengers Korea

The journey was a mix of highs and lows. Malice’s debut in the Challengers Korea (CK) was marked by initial losses but eventual successes, particularly with Xin Zhao and Evelynn. However, the bbq Olivers, despite showing promise, finished fifth in the regular season and lost in the playoff semifinals against APK Prince.

The Downfall of Malice

Malice’s potential was overshadowed by his in-game behavior. His toxicity in solo queue led to a suspension from his club, a hiatus from the competitive scene, and a lackluster stint with Cloud9 in 2022.

The Western Impact in LCK: From Malice to Rekkles


While the move of Western players to the South Korean esports scene is often seen as a low-risk venture with historic implications, Malice’s case was different. His entry into the LCK was fraught with personal risks, and his professional conduct ultimately hindered his career.

Rekkles’ New Chapter in T1 Academy

Contrasting Malice’s story, Rekkles joins T1 Academy with much to gain. Learning from Korean methodologies and world champions, Rekkles has an opportunity to expand his legacy without the immediate pressures of top-tier competition.

The Western Foray into South Korea’s Esports Scene

The stories of Malice and Rekkles in the LCK represent different paths of Western players in South Korean esports. While Malice’s journey was a cautionary tale of unmet potential, Rekkles’ move to T1 Academy is filled with optimism and possibilities for cross-cultural learning in the competitive world of League of Legends.