Azure Ray’s 2024 Dota 2 Roster: A Blend of Veterans and Comebacks

Azure Ray’s 2024 Dota 2 Roster: A Blend of Veterans and Comebacks

2. January 2024 by Never

Azure Ray, champions of ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023, recently unveiled their complete roster for the 2024 season. The announcement, made on Weibo, confirmed the addition of three new players, including two veterans returning from retirement.

The Return of Dota Legends

The 2024 roster sees the return of Zeng “Ori” Jiaoyang and Zhang “Faith_bian” Ruida, both emerging from retirement. These players, who had retired in late 2022, are joining alongside Xu “fy” Linsen, a renowned name in Chinese Dota 2.

Azure Ray’s Complete Roster

Azure Ray’s lineup for 2024 includes:

  • Lou “Lou” Zhen
  • Zeng “Ori” Jiaoyang
  • Zhang “Faith_bian” Ruida
  • Xu “fy” Linsen
  • Jiang “天命” An

This new composition fills the gaps left in the midlaner, offlaner, and position four support roles after ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023.

The Trend of Comebacks in Dota 2

The Dota 2 scene has witnessed a trend of players returning from hiatus. Ame’s comeback and Nigma Galaxy’s Amer “Miracle-” Al-Barkawi’s return to the pro scene have already ignited excitement within the community.

Dota 2’s 2024 Season: Azure Ray’s Strategic Revival with Veteran Talent

“Azure Ray’s 2024 Dota 2 Roster: A Fusion of Veterans and Strategy” – Azure Ray introduces a seasoned lineup for Dota 2’s 2024 season, promising a dynamic and skillful competition.