Top 10 Best Champions in League of Legends Patch 14.18 for Worlds 2024

Top 10 Best Champions in League of Legends Patch 14.18 for Worlds 2024

8. September 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Patch 14.18 brings significant changes to the League of Legends meta, and with Worlds 2024 fast approaching, Riot Games has introduced buffs and nerfs that could dramatically shift the competitive landscape.

Some champions, who have been out of favor recently, may resurface as major picks in the draft phase. Here’s a breakdown of the top 10 champions to watch out for in the upcoming tournament:

1. Ahri

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Ahri’s improved damage on her E, combined with nerfs to popular ADCs like Corki and Smolder, positions her as a strong mid-lane assassin. Her charm can single-handedly turn fights, making her a great choice in the Worlds 2024 drafts.

2. Jayce

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Jayce is a powerful flex pick who can be played in both top and mid lanes. With buffs to his Q and E, he’s expected to be a priority in team compositions, especially in regions like the LCK, where his poke and burst are highly valued.

3. Jax

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A staple split-pusher, Jax’s enhanced ultimate (R) makes him even more viable as a solo laner. His ability to dominate 1v1s and apply pressure in side lanes could make him a frequent pick in high-stakes games.

4. Shen

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Shen’s buffed passive shield significantly strengthens his role as a supportive tank. His global presence with his ultimate (R) allows for cross-map plays, and he can flexibly be played in the top lane, support, or even jungle roles.

5. Viego

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While Viego’s buff is minor—a slight increase in his base AD—it makes a noticeable difference in his jungle clear and skirmishing potential. Viego’s versatility with his reset-heavy ultimate (R) makes him a likely pick in both early and late-game strategies.

6. Xin Zhao

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One of the most reliable junglers in the game, Xin Zhao’s increased armor and enhanced Q bonus damage make him an even stronger pick. His comfort as a dive-heavy champion could see him frequently chosen in the Worlds draft.

7. Jinx

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With nerfs to other ADCs like Zeri, Varus, and Smolder, Jinx’s attack speed scaling brings her back into the spotlight. She excels in late-game teamfights, and her ability to quickly snowball with resets makes her a valuable pick in bot lane.

8. Jarvan IV

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Jarvan has received a 1% damage increase on his passive, which further solidifies his role as a top-tier jungler. Known for his ganking potential and teamfight initiation with his ultimate (R), Jarvan is a reliable pick for teams looking for a proactive early game.

9. Lulu

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Lulu’s passive damage has been significantly buffed, making her one of the top support picks. Additionally, she offers flexibility as a potential top lane pick in certain team compositions. Lulu’s ability to protect ADCs like Jinx further increases her value in Worlds 2024 drafts.

10. Shaco

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Shaco’s recent buffs to his deceive (Q) and backstab damage have made him a nuisance in the jungle. His unpredictability and ability to disrupt enemy formations with his clone (R) makes him a great pick for teams looking to outsmart opponents.


The changes in patch 14.18 have shifted the League of Legends meta just in time for Worlds 2024, with champions like Ahri, Jayce, and Jinx emerging as top contenders. Whether through buffs or indirect changes to their competition, these champions are poised to dominate the tournament’s draft phase.

Teams will need to adapt quickly to the new meta to secure a competitive edge in the world’s biggest League of Legends event.

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