The intergalactic adventures continue in Brawl Stars with the return of the Starr Force season. Inspired by epic space battles, this season features an action-packed storyline where a Dark Lord kidnaps Moe, setting the stage for heroic battles and daring rescues.
The animated trailer captures the galactic theme perfectly, showcasing new brawlers, skins, and modes to enjoy in Season 34. Here’s everything you need to know about the Starr Force season in Brawl Stars.
Epic Battles and the Starr Force Theme
The Starr Force season’s storyline begins with Moe trapped in a cage by the sinister Dark Lord. A brave team of Starr Force heroes, led by Kenji, embarks on a rescue mission to save him and the universe.
Kenji, one of the newest brawlers, takes center stage this season. Known for his sushi-chef origins and strong fighting abilities, he’s a versatile addition suitable for players of all skill levels.
Brawl Pass Rewards: Hebi Kenji and More
The Starr Force Brawl Pass offers 50 tiers of rewards, culminating in exclusive skins for Kenji:
- Hebi Kenji: Unlockable at Tier 50 in the Premium Brawl Pass.
- Mamushi Kenji & Aodaisho Kenji: Color variants of the Hebi Kenji skin, available with the Premium Plus Brawl Pass subscription.
The Brawl Pass Premium also includes additional rewards like coins, gems, and credits for unlocking new brawlers.