In an unusual yet innovative approach, Bromley FC, a National League team, is using the popular video game Football Manager to recruit their next tactical coach. This marks a unique intersection of virtual gaming skills and real-world football management.
The Role and Requirements
- Contract Details: A full-time position from January to May 2024, offering £13.15 per hour.
- Responsibilities: The role involves analyzing and reviewing the first team’s performances and providing insights to the head coach and analysis chief.
- Unique Qualification: Candidates must have achieved the ‘Championes’ achievement in Football Manager on Xbox or PC, symbolizing a domestic league title win in the game.
- Application Process: Applicants need to submit a screenshot of the ‘Championes’ achievement and a video explaining their suitability and desire to join the club. The deadline for applications is December 4.
We are delighted to be hiring a Tactician via @FootballManager 2024 🎮
To apply:
🎮 Complete the FM24 achievement ‘Championes’
🎥 Submit a 1-minute application video
📄 Applications close on Dec 4th
👉 | #ScoreMoreWithXbox— Bromley FC (@bromleyfc) November 14, 2023
Football Manager’s Real-World Impact
- Skills Translation: Dedicated Football Manager players possess deep tactical knowledge and a knack for identifying future football stars.
- Historic Example: Lutz Pfannenstiel, a scout for Hoffenheim, famously discovered Firmino in 2010 through Football Manager, leading to a highly profitable transfer for the club.
The Job Announcement
- Bromley FC’s Statement: The club seeks a talented Football Manager player to test their skills in the real world, potentially kickstarting a professional football career. The role requires no prior resume or experience, focusing instead on in-depth Football Manager expertise.
Bromley FC’s innovative approach highlights the growing synergy between technology, gaming, and real-life applications. If successful, this could inspire other clubs to explore similar recruitment strategies, blending the virtual and real worlds of football strategy.