Cloud9 Secures Star for Three More Years: A Strategic Move for LCS Dominance

Cloud9 Secures Star for Three More Years: A Strategic Move for LCS Dominance

22. November 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

Cloud9, a renowned force in the League of Legends esports Championship Series (LCS), has taken a significant step to ensure its continued dominance in the league. The organization’s recent move to re-sign Blaber, the iconic North American jungler, to a three-year contract, speaks volumes about their strategic vision.

Blaber’s journey with Cloud9, commencing in late 2017 as a substitute for their Academy team, has been nothing short of phenomenal. His evolution from a promising talent to a cornerstone of Cloud9’s success showcases his pivotal role in the team.


A Legacy of Excellence

At just 23, Blaber has crafted an impressive legacy. His accolades include:

  • Four LCS Championships
  • Two MVP Awards
  • 2018 Rookie of the Split
  • Four-time First-Team All-Pro

His track record of only missing the World Championship once and playing a crucial role in the 2018 Worlds semifinals underlines his consistency and high-level play.

The Road Ahead for Cloud9

Despite a less than ideal end to 2023, Blaber remains the region’s top jungler, embodying both skill and experience. However, Cloud9 faces the challenge of roster changes, with Zven exploring free agency and EMENES retiring. Securing Blaber is a masterstroke, ensuring the team retains a powerful figure in a critical role.

LeagueofLegends LCSSpring2023 Champions Cloud9 Trophy

Building Around a Star

The focus now shifts to surrounding Blaber with a formidable lineup capable of conquering championships. Speculations abound regarding potential high-profile signings like Vulcan from FlyQuest and Jojopyun from Evil Geniuses. Cloud9’s next moves will be pivotal in shaping their future in the LCS landscape.