Cloud9 Reportedly Rejoining Competitive Call of Duty Scene

Cloud9 Reportedly Rejoining Competitive Call of Duty Scene

25. June 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Cloud9 is reportedly making significant moves to re-enter the competitive Call of Duty scene after a seven-year absence. According to a report from esports media outlet Sheep Esports, Cloud9 is finalizing a partnership with the reigning champions of the Call of Duty League (CDL), the New York Subliners.

Partnership with New York Subliners

The strategic alliance with the New York Subliners is Cloud9’s first step towards their goal of competing in the upcoming Modern Warfare 3 tournament at the Esports World Cup. This move is part of Cloud9’s strategy to capitalize on the recent favorable changes in the CDL structure.

NYSL 2020

Potential Acquisition of NXYL Esports

Reports suggest that Cloud9’s partnership with the New York Subliners may lead to a further phase where they could acquire and merge with NXYL esports, the organization behind the Subliners franchise. This would mark a significant consolidation in the esports industry, similar to previous mergers like OpTic and Envy forming OpTic Texas.

Cloud9 is set to return to Call Of Duty by acquiring New York Subliners.
byu/shambxlic inCoDCompetitive


Favorable Changes in CDL Structure

Earlier this year, the CDL announced pivotal adjustments aimed at attracting more esports organizations. These changes include waiving franchise entry fees, increased revenue sharing, and minimum revenue guarantees for two years. Such adjustments are designed to enhance the appeal of participating in the CDL.

NY ATL CDL 2024 Major 2


Current Standings and Preparation

As of now, the New York Subliners are ranked fourth in the 2024 CDL standings. They are gearing up for Major Four, scheduled for the upcoming weekend, showcasing their competitive prowess amidst the evolving landscape of professional Call of Duty.


Final Toughts

Cloud9’s potential return to competitive Call of Duty signifies a resurgence in their esports strategy. With a strategic partnership and possible acquisition on the horizon, Cloud9 aims to leverage these alliances to strengthen their position in the esports market.

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