Crisis in Kick: Former Employee Exposes Deplorable Behavior and Reasons for Leaving

Crisis in Kick: Former Employee Exposes Deplorable Behavior and Reasons for Leaving

19. June 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Kick, the streaming platform aiming to rival Twitch, is facing its first major scandal. On June 17, a former employee named Melissa publicly accused the company of fostering a hostile work environment, citing instances of racism, ableism, and unethical treatment of employees and streamers.

Melissa’s Revelations

Melissa claims she left Kick after witnessing repeated inappropriate conduct across various departments. She described the work atmosphere as “too hostile,” with rampant disrespect for diverse opinions and lifestyles. Specific allegations include:

  • Racism and Ableism: Melissa reported racist comments and insults towards autistic individuals.
  • Unethical Treatment of a Cancer-Stricken Streamer: Melissa recounted how a streamer with cancer was offered less money and pressured to gamble on Stake, as it was presumed he would pass away soon.

The latter incident was the tipping point for Melissa, prompting her to leave the company and speak out.


Kick’s Response

The day after Melissa’s video surfaced, Santamaria, Kick’s Chief Strategic Officer, responded. He vehemently denied any knowledge of such behavior within the company, emphasizing their commitment to maintaining a positive and respectful work environment.

In a stream addressing the issue, Santamaria expressed disbelief that such accusations were surfacing now and mentioned that many top executives were unaware of these issues until Melissa’s video.

While denying the accusations, Kick stated they would investigate the claims despite the “lack of evidence” provided. Additionally, the company is considering legal action against Melissa for defamation.

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Community Reactions

The controversy has also caught the attention of high-profile figures associated with Kick. Notably, xQc, who has a lucrative contract with the platform, defended Kick. He mentioned conducting his own investigation into the cancer-stricken streamer’s case and found nothing unethical.

The Future of Kick

This scandal marks a significant challenge for Kick, as it tries to establish itself in the competitive streaming market. The coming weeks will be crucial in determining how the platform addresses these serious allegations and whether more accusations will surface. For now, the community watches closely as the story unfolds.

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