Dota 2 Patch 7.34d: Decisive Changes Prior to TI12

Dota 2 Patch 7.34d: Decisive Changes Prior to TI12

6. October 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

The countdown to The International 2023 has begun, and just ahead of this mammoth event, Dota 2 rolls out its patch 7.34d – potentially the last balance tweaks we’ll witness before the clash for the Aegis ensues.

Minor Tweaks Pre-TI

For those familiar with the rhythm of updates prior to big tournaments, this patch doesn’t spring any major surprises. Minor adjustments dominate the update, which is a standard approach this close to the International. However, certain heroes, owing to their current dominance, have seen more significant nerfs.

Pangolier: Time for a Change

It feels like Pangolier has forever been a top pick in the meta. Given the significant rate at which he has been contested in professional games, it seems only right that some balance is introduced. The nerfs directed at Swashbuckle and Shield Crash might just be what was needed. With both these abilities crucial during the laning phase, higher mana costs could potentially hamper his early-game impact.


Phantom Assassin’s Swing in Fortune

Phantom Assassin stands out as the patch’s most impacted hero. Her surge in popularity and strength was notable post the 7.34 patch, primarily due to the elevation of the Coup de Grace probability from 15% to a whopping 20%. However, patch 7.34d sees this slashed down to 17%. This considerable cut might make Mortred rethink her strategies.


Sven’s Damage Dilemma

Sven, the Rogue Knight, has seen a substantial reduction in his damage output. Given his reign of terror in both public and professional arenas, this tweak was somewhat anticipated and will likely bring him back in line with other heroes.


Pro Players’ Perspectives

For the everyday player, these changes might seem inconsequential. Yet, for the professional player, where minute details can make or break careers, this patch might be less than welcome. Notably, Team Liquid’s coach, Mathis “Jabbz” Friesel expressed his reservations.

In the high-pressure environment of professional esports, change is the only constant. With just a week left, teams are now tasked with revising their game plans. Anticipate a flurry of activity with intensive scrims and public games.

The Short Preparation Time

Dota 2’s patch 7.34d is a testament to the dynamic nature of the game, reflecting the need for balance and fairness, especially before a significant event like TI12. Teams and players must adapt quickly, integrating these changes into their strategies. The road to the International has always been paved with challenges, and this patch adds another layer to the mix. It will be enthralling to see how teams maneuver through these changes as they vie for the coveted Aegis.