Dota 2 Patch 7.37c: Final Balance Adjustments Ahead of TI13

Dota 2 Patch 7.37c: Final Balance Adjustments Ahead of TI13

29. August 2024 by Francisco Villafana

As The International 2024 (TI13) approaches, Valve has released the final balancing patch for Dota 2. Patch 7.37c, which will be used in the tournament, introduces a series of adjustments aimed at refining the current meta just before the event kicks off in Copenhagen.

This patch focuses on minor nerfs to various heroes and items, ensuring a balanced competitive environment for the upcoming championship.

Key Changes in Patch 7.37c


1. Hero Adjustments

  • Tinker: The support role of Tinker has been a topic of discussion due to its overpowering healing capabilities. Patch 7.37c addresses this by nerfing the Defense Matrix, a key ability in Tinker’s support build. Additionally, indirect nerfs to the Sacred Medallion and Guardian Greaves, which are crucial to Tinker’s healing setup, have been implemented.
  • Omniknight: Having recently shown potential as a meta hero, Omniknight faces nerfs to its healing abilities and utility. The healing from the Aghanim’s Fragment has been reduced, and the duration of Repel has been shortened. The damage of Hammer of Purity has also been decreased by 15, balancing its early-game effectiveness.
  • Ringmaster: As a new addition to the hero pool, Ringmaster has seen significant nerfs. The Strongman Tonic, a previously dominant ability, has been heavily weakened. The ultimate ability, Wheel of Wonder, has been adjusted, and the Aghanim’s Shard upgrade, Spotlight, has received a minor enhancement.


2. Item Adjustments

  • Holy Lock: The healing effect of Holy Lock has been reduced, impacting its utility in sustaining heroes during fights.
  • Mekansm & Guardian Greaves: Both items have received nerfs to their healing output, which could affect teams’ durability in prolonged engagements.
  • Pipe of Insight: The damage barrier provided by Pipe of Insight has been lowered, reducing its effectiveness as a defensive item.
  • Glepnir: This item, which had been a focus of concern, has been slightly nerfed to bring it in line with other items.

3. Other Affected Heroes

In addition to the major changes, several other heroes have received minor nerfs, including Doom, Earthshaker, Ember Spirit, Lina, Nature’s Prophet, Pangolier, and Windranger. These adjustments aim to ensure a more balanced gameplay experience across the board.


Impact on TI13

While these changes are relatively minor, they could still have a significant impact on the draft strategies and hero picks at TI13. Omniknight and Tinker, in particular, may see a decrease in pick rates due to these nerfs. However, they will likely remain viable options for teams with the right strategies.


Patch 7.37c provides the final tuning necessary to ensure a balanced and competitive environment for The International 2024. With adjustments to key heroes and items, the patch sets the stage for an exciting tournament where strategies and adaptations will be crucial.

As TI13 approaches, teams will need to adapt quickly to these changes to maximize their chances of success.

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