Fnatic’s Narrow Escape: One Step Closer to Playoffs

Fnatic’s Narrow Escape: One Step Closer to Playoffs

26. October 2023 by Valentin Pasetti

European powerhouse Fnatic bounces back from a shaky start to take down Cloud9, positioning them tantalizingly close to the Worlds 2023 playoffs.

The Thrill of Worlds 2023 with Fnatic

Worlds 2023 has been nothing short of a roller coaster for Fnatic fans. The squad’s daring plays and near-misses make for heart-stopping matches. Pushing the envelope, they are embracing risky strategies that either pay off immensely or plunge them into disarray.

The Highs and Lows Against Cloud9

Starting on the back foot with a 0-1 score in the BO3 elimination round, Fnatic had their mettle tested. The first game was a reminder of the volatility of international stages, as Fnatic’s performance was less than ideal.

But fortunes reversed with the side switch. With the blue side advantage in the subsequent match, Fnatic steamrolled Cloud9, setting the stage for a do-or-die third game. The stakes? Another shot at Worlds glory or an ignominious exit. Thankfully for Fnatic, it was the former.

While Razork and Oscarinin’s early game wasn’t exemplary, the synergized efforts of Rumble and Jarvan IV flipped the script in team fights. Noah’s immaculate performance on Aphelios, complemented by Humanoid’s exemplary play with Sylas, turned the tides in Fnatic’s favor.

Even the game’s conclusion was a nail-biter. As the dust settled, only Humanoid remained standing for Fnatic. But that was enough—the Nexus fell, securing Fnatic’s advance.

Looking Ahead: Fnatic’s Journey


As the path to the playoffs narrows, Fnatic faces another formidable adversary—yet to be determined from the pool of teams standing at a 2-2 scoreline in Worlds 2023. If Fnatic aims to secure a spot amongst the world’s top 8 elite teams, refinement is in order. Fans and analysts alike will eagerly tune in on the upcoming showdown on October 29th.

Fnatic is risking everything in the next game

With their recent resurgence, Fnatic has proven their resilience and adaptability. While they’ve showcased brilliance in their plays, there’s a pressing need for consistency. As they prepare for their crucial matchup, refining strategies and minimizing risks will be paramount.