Hwei Receives Vital Buffs in Latest LoL Patch 13.24b

Hwei Receives Vital Buffs in Latest LoL Patch 13.24b

13. December 2023 by Never

In the ever-evolving realm of League of Legends, champions continually undergo adjustments to maintain game balance. The latest patch 13.24b focuses on Hwei, a champion struggling with low win rates since its introduction.

Hwei’s Ongoing Adjustments

Riot Games, the developer behind League of Legends, has been closely monitoring Hwei’s performance. Despite initial enhancements post-launch, Hwei’s win rate remained concerningly below 40%. This led to further refinements in patch 13.24b, as Riot aims to bolster Hwei’s effectiveness in gameplay.

Understanding Hwei’s Challenges

Riot Phroxzon, a prominent game designer, noted that while Hwei’s late-game capabilities were not problematic, early-game weaknesses needed addressing. The intention is to retain some early-game vulnerability while offering more resilience as the game progresses.

Specific Buffs in Patch 13.24b

Statistic Enhancements

  • Health: Increased from 550 to 580
  • Mana: Increased from 445 to 480
  • Movement Speed: Increased from 325 to 330

Ability Adjustments

  • Estanque de Reflejo (WW): Shields are now instantly activated rather than at the end of ability casting. Shield strength increased from 90-170 to 100-200.
  • Mirada del Abismo (EW): Painting delay reduced from 0.7 to 0.65 seconds, and shooting delay from 0.35 to 0.3 seconds. The pursuit range extended from 500 to 600, and immobilization duration standardized to 3 seconds.

League of Legends Patch 13.24b

Players should explore the new capabilities of Hwei post-patch, adapting strategies to leverage its enhanced strengths. Keep an eye on future patches for ongoing adjustments to champions, ensuring a dynamic and balanced League of Legends experience.