League of Legends Swarm Mode: Strategies to Defeat Bel’Veth and Conquer the Subterranean Lab

League of Legends Swarm Mode: Strategies to Defeat Bel’Veth and Conquer the Subterranean Lab

23. July 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

The Swarm Mode in League of Legends introduces players to one of the most challenging environments, the Subterranean Lab. This map, infamous for its difficulty, culminates in an intense final boss fight against Bel’Veth.

For those struggling to survive and achieve victory, here is a comprehensive guide to mastering the Subterranean Lab in Swarm Mode.

Key Strategies to Survive the Subterranean Lab

League of Legends Swarm Ice Lab

1. Mastering Positioning in Tight Spaces

The Subterranean Lab is distinct from the other Swarm maps due to its confined chokepoints. These narrow areas can quickly become death traps as hordes of Primordians, Elite enemies, and Bosses spawn.

Spend most of your time in the central area under the upper Ice Blast, the most open part of the lab. This strategy allows you to kite enemies efficiently, leading them in circles while dealing damage.

2. Utilizing Ice Blasts for Crowd Control

The Subterranean Lab features two Ice Blast Machines that are crucial for controlling the waves of enemies. Positioned diagonally from each other on the right side of the map, these machines release an AOE ice explosion that freezes enemies.

Activate these blasts to freeze large groups of Primordians, giving your team a breather to reposition or eliminate key targets. Remember, these machines have a cooldown, so use them strategically.

League of Legends Bel Veth Swarm Boss

3. Selecting Strong Early-Game Champions

The initial phase of the Subterranean Lab can be overwhelming, especially with the early arrival of an Elite Primordian. To manage this, choose champions who excel in the early game, such as Illaoi, Leona, or Briar. These champions provide essential sustain and crowd control, helping your team survive until you can secure more upgrades.

4. Completing Yuumi Quests Efficiently

Yuumi quests spawn outside the central area of the lab and coincide with the arrival of tough enemies. Prioritize these quests when the enemy waves are manageable, ensuring you aren’t overwhelmed. Completing these quests can provide significant advantages, such as powerful buffs or critical resources.

Defeating Bel’Veth in Swarm Mode

League of Legends Swarm Mode: How to Beat Bel’Veth and Survive the Subterranean Lab


Bel’Veth’s First Stage

When Bel’Veth spawns in the top-right chamber after 15 minutes, you must navigate back to her location quickly to avoid a shrinking death wave. In her first stage, Bel’Veth uses two primary attacks:

  • Dash Attack: She designates danger zones before dashing across the battlefield, causing significant damage. Increase your Movement Speed to dodge effectively.
  • Ground Strikes: Bel’Veth strikes the ground, causing rocks to fall. Keep moving in a circular pattern to avoid these falling rocks.

Bel’Veth’s Second Stage

Upon reducing her health by half, Bel’Veth enters her second stage:

  • Pod Spawn and Explosions: She spawns four pods and dashes to each in a random order, creating large explosions. Position yourself away from the pods to avoid initial damage but prepare for inevitable knockbacks.
  • Ultimate Form: After the explosions, Bel’Veth transforms, enhancing her damage and attack patterns. She now performs multiple dashes in quick succession. Watch for quick flashes indicating her movements and position yourself in a safe spot.

Surviving the Ultimate Form

During this stage, Bel’Veth’s attacks become more dangerous, requiring precise movements. Stay light on your feet, constantly moving to dodge her enhanced attacks. Avoid standing still to prevent being one-shot by her powerful dashes. As the fight progresses, her attacks become predictable, allowing you to anticipate and dodge effectively.

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Final Tips and Recommendations

  • Upgrade Regularly: Use gold to enhance your stats between matches, giving you a better chance against tougher enemies.
  • Coordinate with Your Team: Effective communication and coordination are crucial, especially when activating Ice Blasts and completing Yuumi quests.
  • Stay Calm and Adapt: The Subterranean Lab is challenging, but staying calm and adapting your strategy to the evolving threats will increase your chances of success.


With these strategies, you can overcome the challenges of the Subterranean Lab and emerge victorious against Bel’Veth in League of Legends’ Swarm Mode.