League of Legends: Ultimate Champions Tier List for Swarm Mode

League of Legends: Ultimate Champions Tier List for Swarm Mode

19. July 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Swarm mode in League of Legends introduces a thrilling PvE experience, allowing players to team up against waves of enemies. To help you dominate this new mode, we’ve compiled a comprehensive tier list highlighting the best champions to choose for Swarm.

Whether you’re aiming for efficiency or sheer enjoyment, this guide will ensure you’re well-prepared for your next match.

Swarm Mode Tier List

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S Tier Champions

  1. Illaoi
  2. Yasuo
  3. Xayah

A Tier Champions

  1. Leona
  2. Briar
  3. Riven

B Tier Champions

  1. Jinx
  2. Seraphine

C Tier Champion

  1. Aurora

Best Champions for Swarm Mode


Illaoi 18

Illaoi stands out as an exceptional powerhouse in Swarm mode. Her kit provides an ideal balance of durability and damage output, making her a versatile choice for players. Illaoi’s key strength lies in her Tentacle Smash, which allows her to control the battlefield by summoning tentacles that deal significant area damage.

  • Durability: Illaoi’s ability to endure damage makes her a strong frontline champion.
  • Crowd Control: Her knock-up abilities and tentacles help in managing large groups of enemies.
  • Team Support: Illaoi’s survivability provides her team with the opportunity to focus on dealing damage.

In Swarm mode, Illaoi can absorb substantial damage and create strategic openings, allowing her team to effectively tackle enemy waves.


TFT Xayah

Xayah excels in Swarm due to her high damage output and superior mobility. Her short cooldowns and critical strike-focused build enable her to efficiently clear out Elites and Bosses. Xayah’s ability to maintain constant pressure with her rapid ability cycling makes her a formidable damage dealer.

  • Damage Output: Xayah’s critical strikes make her particularly effective against high-priority targets.
  • Mobility: Her agility allows her to navigate the battlefield safely while dealing damage.
  • Synergy: Xayah performs best when paired with a tanky champion, but can still excel solo if played cautiously.

Xayah’s mobility and damage potential set her apart from other champions, making her an excellent choice for solo players or those looking for a damage-focused role.


Yasuo 1

Yasuo brings his trademark agility and damage to Swarm mode. His high mobility allows him to navigate through enemy ranks while delivering substantial damage. Yasuo benefits greatly from builds that enhance his critical hit chance, making each strike highly effective.

  • Survivability: Yasuo’s agility helps him avoid damage and stay in the fight longer.
  • Damage Potential: With increased critical chance, Yasuo can deal impressive damage.
  • Solo Play: Yasuo’s mobility and damage output make him a strong choice for solo gameplay.

Yasuo’s ability to deliver high damage while moving quickly makes him a standout choice for those who enjoy a high-risk, high-reward playstyle.


Swarm mode in League of Legends offers a unique PvE experience, and choosing the right champion can make a significant difference. Illaoi, Xayah, and Yasuo lead our tier list with their exceptional abilities and gameplay advantages.

Whether you prefer a tanky role, high damage output, or superior mobility, this tier list will help you select the best champion for success in Swarm.

As Riot Games continues to develop and balance Swarm mode, these champion rankings may evolve. Stay tuned for future updates and enjoy your PvE adventures in League of Legends!

League of Legends Swarm Mode: How to Unlock All Champions