LGD Secures a Prestigious Top 3 Spot in The International 2023

LGD Secures a Prestigious Top 3 Spot in The International 2023

28. October 2023 by Never

LGD Gaming, one of the longstanding titans in the Dota 2 realm, marks yet another significant milestone by solidifying their Top 3 position in The International 2023. Notably, they’ve achieved this feat with three rookies on board and the ambitions of captain Zhang “y`” Yiping eyeing the elite two-timers club.

LGD vs. Azure Ray: A Tactical Masterclass

The upper bracket semifinals presented a captivating match-up between LGD Gaming and their fellow countrymen, Azure Ray. The strategy LGD unfurled was nothing short of brilliance, particularly capitalizing on the synergy between Magnus and Muerta.

Despite an initial hiccup where they trailed during the laning phase against Azure Ray’s Bristleback, LGD strategically unveiled a Silver Edge on Muerta close to the 25-minute marker, shifting the momentum in their favor.

One of the standout performers was undoubtedly Guo “shiro” Xuanang. Employing Muerta, Shiro recorded an impressive 64.9K damage against adversaries – a tally that nearly doubled the damage Bristleback, AR’s top performer, managed. Shiro’s prowess wasn’t just limited to hero damages; he also racked up 18K in building damages, dwarfing Azure Ray’s collective effort.

The Spectre vs. Weaver Duel

The second game brought forth an intriguing showdown between Spectre and Weaver, with the latter previously boasting a 2-0 win streak on the Climate Pledge stage.

However, LGD, always a step ahead, prepped a counter for the carry Weaver. Their answer was a myriad of robust lockdowns and an AOE silence, courtesy of a mid-lane Puck. Even with these preparations, LGD faced challenges neutralizing Weaver, eventually strategizing to neutralize other threats first and address Weaver subsequently. Their persistence paid off as, after a grueling 45 minutes, they triumphed over Azure Ray, cementing their place in the upper bracket finals.

What Lies Ahead for LGD and Azure Ray?

LGD now girds up to clash with Team Spirit on Saturday, October 28, vying for that coveted spot in the grand finals. Meanwhile, Azure Ray, not out of the competition just yet, hopes to stage a resurgence via the lower bracket rounds.


The International 2023 has already served fans with edge-of-the-seat action, and with teams like LGD showing top-tier strategy and execution, the grandeur is only set to escalate. For esports enthusiasts and Dota 2 aficionados, this year’s competition is an exemplar of skill, strategy, and spirit. Catch all the live action here and read more on game strategies and insights.