League of Legends Patch 14.17: Ranked LP Issues Cause Player Frustration

League of Legends Patch 14.17: Ranked LP Issues Cause Player Frustration

30. August 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

League of Legends’ latest patch, 14.17, introduced significant gameplay updates, but not without a few bumps along the way. Among the most disruptive were the unexpected issues with the League Points (LP) system in ranked matches, leaving players confused and frustrated.

Unintended Consequences of Patch 14.17

When Patch 14.17 rolled out, it was expected to improve gameplay balance and enhance the ranked experience. However, changes to the ranked matchmaking and point distribution led to serious LP discrepancies.

Players noticed that their LP gains and losses were wildly inconsistent, with some receiving more points than they should have, while others saw fewer LP than expected for their victories.

These inconsistencies were particularly concerning for players striving to climb the ranks, as the LP system is crucial in determining progression in ranked leagues. The disparity in LP distribution not only caused frustration but also sparked widespread discussions within the community about the reliability of the ranking system.


Key Details of the LP Issue

  • Inconsistent LP Gains: Some players reported earning as much as 50 LP for a single win, far above the usual range.
  • Inaccurate LP Losses: Conversely, LP losses were also affected, with some players losing more LP than expected, up to 18 points per defeat.
  • Impact on Matchmaking: The changes in matchmaking paired with these LP issues led to unevenly balanced games, further complicating the ranked experience.

Riot’s Quick Fix and Ongoing Monitoring

Riot Games acted quickly to address the LP issues, releasing a micro patch intended to correct the LP distribution problem. According to Matt “Riot Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, the lead gameplay designer, the micro patch should resolve the LP discrepancies and improve the overall balance in matchmaking.

However, Riot is continuing to monitor the situation, encouraging players to report any ongoing problems with LP after the fix.

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While Patch 14.17 was designed to enhance League of Legends’ gameplay, it inadvertently disrupted the ranked experience for many players. With Riot’s rapid response, the issues seem to be on the mend, but it’s a reminder of how delicate the balance of competitive systems can be.

Players are advised to keep an eye on their LP and report any irregularities to ensure a smooth ranked climb.

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