Patch 14.17 Notes: First Changes for Worlds 2024

Patch 14.17 Notes: First Changes for Worlds 2024

28. August 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

With Worlds 2024 just around the corner, Riot Games is making significant adjustments to the League of Legends meta to ensure a balanced and competitive environment for the tournament.

Set to be played on Patch 14.18, the upcoming 14.17 patch, releasing on August 28, focuses on fine-tuning various aspects of the game, including champion buffs and nerfs, as well as system changes, to prepare for the biggest esports event of the year.

Champion Buffs

Caitlyn 22


  • W (Yordle Snap Trap) Cooldown: Reduced from 30/24/19/15/12 seconds to 26/22/18/14/10 seconds.
  • Attack Speed Ratio: Increased from 0.594 to 0.610.


  • Q (End of the Line) Cooldown: Reduced from 13-7 seconds to 13-6 seconds.
  • Q (End of the Line) First Hit Damage: Increased from 45-105 to 45-125.


  • Attack Speed: Increased from 30% to 35%.
  • E (Mounting Dread) Base Damage: Increased from 80-160 to 80-200 + 100% of AD.
  • E (Mounting Dread) Cooldown: Reduced from 14-10 seconds to 14-8 seconds.


  • Q (Ice Shard) Damage: Increased from 80-200 to 80-220.
  • R (Frozen Tomb) Slow: Changed from 30/45/75% to 45/60/75%.


  • Q (Overload) Damage: Increased from 70-150 to 75-155.
  • R (Realm Warp) Cooldown: Reduced from 210-150 seconds to 180-140 seconds.

Twisted Fate

  • Q (Wild Cards) Damage: Increased from 60-220 to 60-240.


  • Q (Piercing Arrow) Damage: Increased from 15-235 + 1.25-1.45 of total AD to 90-370 + 1.5-1.9 bonus AD.
  • E (Hail of Arrows) AD Ratio: Increased from 90% to 110%.

Senna 27

Champion Nerfs


  • R (Ultimate) Damage: Reduced from 200/325/450 to 175/275/375.


  • Passive (Blaze) Damage Cap: Added a cap of 30 DPS per DoT of the passive, and the maximum explosion damage is capped at 250/325/400/475.


  • Base AD: Reduced from 62 to 60.


  • Base HP: Reduced from 640 to 610.


  • Passive (Voracity) AP Ratio: Reduced from 70/80/90/100% to 60/70/80/90%.


  • Q (Thundering Shuriken) AP Ratio: Reduced from 85% to 75%.

Kennen 6


  • Q (Sigil of Malice) AP Ratio: Reduced from 45% to 40%.
  • W (Distortion) AP Ratio: Reduced from 75% to 70%.


  • Passive (Dream-Laden Bough) Max Jungle Monster Damage: Reduced from 70-150 to 70-100.


  • Base Armor: Reduced from 37 to 33.


  • Passive (Junkyard Titan) Max HP Damage: Reduced from 6% to 5%.

Senna (AP)

  • Q (Piercing Darkness) Healing: Reduced from 40-120 + 80% AP to 40-100 + 69% AP.
  • R (Dawning Shadow) Shield AP Ratio: Reduced from 70% to 50%.


  • W (Surround Sound) Shield: Reduced from 60-160 to 60-140.
  • W (Surround Sound) Cooldown: Fixed at 22 seconds.


  • W (Kingslayer) AP Ratio: Reduced from 70% to 60%.

Ezreal 25 (1)

System Changes

Lifesteal (Rune)

  • Healing on Kill: Adjusted from 1-5 (levels 1-5), 6-11 (levels 6-10), and 12-23 (levels 11-18) to 1-2, 3-7, and 9-23 respectively.

Coup de Grace (Rune)

  • Threshold: Increased from 50% to 60%.

Fleet Footwork (Rune)

  • Healing: Reduced from 5-120 to 5-100.
  • Movement Speed: Reduced from 20% for 1.25 seconds to 15% for 1 second.

Support Item Adjustments

Celestial Detraction

  • Slow Effect: Reduced from 60% for 2 seconds to 50% for 1.5 seconds.

Warmog’s Armor

  • Price: Increased from 3100 to 3300.
  • Movement Speed: Reduced from 10% to 5%.



These changes are aimed at refining the meta in preparation for the upcoming Worlds 2024. Whether it’s adjusting champion power levels or fine-tuning key runes and items, Riot Games is working to create a balanced and competitive environment for the tournament.

Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the release of Patch 14.18 and the start of Worlds 2024!

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