LoL Patch 14.18: ADC Role Hit with New Nerfs

LoL Patch 14.18: ADC Role Hit with New Nerfs

2. September 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

The ADC role faces yet another setback with nerfs to a key item and rune that are crucial for the survival of these champions.

ADC Nerfs in Patch 14.18

In recent League of Legends updates, Riot Games has been steadily reducing the power of ADCs, especially after several ADC champions found success in the mid lane. Despite these efforts, more adjustments are on the way as Riot prepares new nerfs targeting the ADC role in Patch 14.18.

This season has been particularly challenging for ADC players, with continuous tweaks to the role across several patches. The rise of champions like Tristana, Lucian, and Zeri in the mid lane—leading to surprising picks like Nasus and Garen—has prompted Riot to further balance the game.

The upcoming Patch 14.18 will introduce additional nerfs, specifically targeting a key item and a rune that have been essential for ADC survival.

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Key Changes in Patch 14.18

1. Immortal Shieldbow Nerf

Immortal Shieldbow, a staple item for ADCs to sustain against burst damage, will see significant reductions. Not only is the shield amount being decreased, but the interaction with ranged champions is also being heavily nerfed. This change aims to limit the survivability of ADCs in high-damage encounters.

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2. Fleet Footwork Nerf

Fleet Footwork, a popular keystone rune for ADCs, is also receiving changes. The healing provided to ranged champions is being reduced, while melee champions will gain increased movement speed. This shift makes Fleet Footwork a more appealing choice for mid-lane bruisers, further marginalizing its utility for ADCs.


Patch 14.18 continues the trend of balancing the ADC role, but these new nerfs may further strain an already challenging position. As Riot Games continues to fine-tune the game, ADC players will need to adapt to a more difficult meta where survival is increasingly harder to come by.

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