LoL’s Disguised Toast staff is disbanded

LoL’s Disguised Toast staff is disbanded

2. September 2023 by miranda angeles

Recently, news has broken that has shocked LoL fans, especially Disguised Toast fans. On August 31, Toast reported that the League of Legends Disguised Toast squad participating in the NACL has disbanded.

Undoubtedly, creating an esports organization and keeping it afloat is not an easy job. Disguised Toast, a new esports organization, has not had an easy start. The organization’s creator, Jeremy “Disguised Toast” Wang, has told fans about the problems he has experienced.

Toast has told about the problems he has experienced in the VALORANT competitive scene and has been completely open about the organization’s financial problems. Recall that a few months ago, Toast revealed that he would potentially lose $1 million this year. However, it hasn’t all been trouble, as, earlier this summer, the organization finally scored a major victory; DSG’s LoL team won the NACL champions trophy.

DSG’s excellent performance at the NACL

DSG’s LoL team showed excellent potential; this team performed impressively throughout the 2023 NACL season. This squad finished the summer season with third place in the North America Challengers League 2023. But this team would not give up there. They wanted to get a more important victory. Then DSG defeated Evil Genius in the grand final 3-1. With this victory, the team was able to take home $30,000 in prize money and managed to showcase all their talent.

LoL’s Disguised Toast squad disbanded

Most DSG fans thought that success would keep coming with the LoL squad. However, things will not be that way. It was recently announced that all team members are leaving the squad. Unfortunately, DSG will not have access to the full potential of this team. According to the information revealed by DSG, all players are leaving the team in search of bigger and better career opportunities.

In the Twitter post, Toast commented that this squad’s goal has always been for the players to reach new heights in their careers. So, staying in the NACL long-term would not benefit developing each player’s potential, remembering that NACL clubs cannot move up to the LCS.

On the other hand, Toast has revealed that the agreement between the organization and the players was that they could take advantage of every opportunity after the season. The former DSG squad members can now find a new team that is part of the LCS, as they have proven their full potential as professionals.

Finally, Toast has revealed that the organization is searching for new players to create a new squad to compete in the 2024 NACL season.