Mastering TFT: Essential Concepts for New Players

Mastering TFT: Essential Concepts for New Players

27. July 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Understanding the core concepts of Teamfight Tactics (TFT) is crucial whether you’re just starting or looking to improve your gameplay. This guide will help you grasp the fundamental terms and strategies, making it easier to follow expert guides and streams.

Core Concepts in TFT

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Economy Management

Managing your gold, known as your economy, is a critical aspect of TFT. Your economy can grow through various means:

  • Interest: For every 10 gold you save (up to 50 gold), you earn an additional 1 gold each round.
  • Win/Loss Streaks: Consistent wins or losses provide bonus gold.
  • Items and Augments: Some in-game items and augments can boost your gold income.

Gold Usage Strategies


The slowroll strategy involves spending your gold only when you have more than 50 gold. The goal is to upgrade specific units to three stars, maximizing your chances of finding the desired units based on their shop appearance rates.


Hyperrolling is an aggressive strategy where you spend all your gold early in the game to quickly upgrade one-cost units to three stars. This method leverages the high appearance rate of low-cost units in the shop during early levels.


Leveling Up Strategies


Fast Leveling Techniques

Fast 6

Reaching level 6 quickly is essential for compositions that rely on two-cost carries. This strategy allows you to start slowrolling for your key units at an optimal level.

Fast 7

Fast 7 is the tactic of advancing to level 7 as soon as possible. This is ideal for compositions that revolve around three-cost carries. It also helps stabilize your board if you’re losing too much health, allowing you to roll for stronger four-cost units.

Fast 8

When the meta favors four and five-cost champions, or when you need to pivot to a strong late-game composition, Fast 8 is the way to go. This involves saving up gold and leveling up to 8 quickly to access high-cost, powerful units.

Building Effective Compositions

Understanding how to build and manage your team composition is vital. Your composition should be flexible and adaptable to the champions you find and the items you acquire.

  • Synergies: Combining champions with complementary traits and origins can significantly enhance your team’s power.
  • Positioning: Properly positioning your units can maximize their effectiveness and counter your opponents’ strategies.
  • Itemization: Equipping the right items on the right champions can turn the tide of battle in your favor.


Mastering these basic concepts will set you on the path to becoming a skilled TFT player. By effectively managing your economy, choosing the right leveling strategy, and building strong compositions, you’ll be better equipped to dominate the battlefield.

Keep practicing, stay flexible, and watch as your understanding of TFT deepens and your victories increase. Good luck!

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