Mortal Kombat 1: 6 New Fighters Revealed in Kombat Pack 2 Leak

Mortal Kombat 1: 6 New Fighters Revealed in Kombat Pack 2 Leak

27. June 2024 by Francisco Villafana

Mortal Kombat 1 fans are eagerly anticipating the upcoming Kombat Pack 2, which promises to introduce six new fighters, two arenas, and more. Here’s everything we know so far about the upcoming DLC, based on recent leaks and announcements.

Mortal Kombat 1 Kombat Pack 2 Leaks Explained

According to a leak by YouTuber Interloko, Mortal Kombat 1 Kombat Pack 2 will include six new characters, expanding the roster significantly.

Initial leaks, dating back to September, hinted at guest characters like Ghostface from the Scream series, the T-1000 Terminator, and Conan The Barbarian joining the fray. Recent data-mined dialogue and leaks, including a Mileena announcer leak, further solidify these additions.

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Confirmed Characters:

  • Ghostface (Scream series)
  • T-1000 Terminator
  • Conan The Barbarian
  • Cyrax (cyber ninja)
  • Sektor (cyber ninja)
  • Noob Saibot (wraith)

These characters are expected to join Mortal Kombat 1′s roster in Kombat Pack 2, offering a diverse range of combat styles and backgrounds.

Cyrax MK1 Render

Arenas and Announcers

While specific details about the arenas and announcers remain unclear from Interloko’s video, it’s confirmed that Mortal Kombat 1 Kombat Pack 2 will include:

  • Two new stages
  • Five new announcers

The exact identities of these arenas and announcers have yet to be disclosed, but anticipation is high for their ofbicial announcement from NetherRealm Studios (NRS).


Stay tuned for more updates as NRS prepares to unveil additional information about Mortal Kombat 1 Kombat Pack 2, including release dates and further details on the new content.