New LoL Champion in 2024: Meet Aurora, the Mage Heading to the Mid Lane

New LoL Champion in 2024: Meet Aurora, the Mage Heading to the Mid Lane

17. May 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

A leak has potentially revealed the name, appearance, and design of the next champion joining League of Legends (LoL).

While the community is focused on the start of the second split of the season, rumors about upcoming releases in League of Legends (LoL) continue to circulate. A new leak may have unveiled the look and name of the next champion arriving in the Summoner’s Rift in a few updates.

Aurora: The New Champion

The 14.10 patch brought significant changes in preparation for the second split of the season. However, it also allowed data miners to uncover some of the developer’s unreleased plans. Several data miners have discovered files that appear to be related to the new champion set to join the game.

According to these findings, the new champion’s name and appearance have been leaked. Data miners found a new emote named “Spirit of the Hearth,” featuring a character with glasses and brown hair.

This character, named Aurora, is speculated to be the new champion’s name and appearance. She is depicted wearing a fur-lined coat, suggesting she hails from the Freljord region.

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Supporting Evidence

Apart from in-game files, a subreddit named AuroraMains was created but is currently locked for new responses. Riot typically establishes these forums before launching new champions.

Earlier in the season, Riot Games revealed that following Smolder, the next champion would be a “mid-range mage” for solo lanes. The developer mentioned that this character would come from the Freljord, lending further credibility to the potential Aurora leak.

What to Expect

  • Role: Mid-lane Mage
  • Region: Freljord
  • Appearance: Glasses, brown hair, fur-lined coat

Here is the leaked new champion coming to League her name is Aurora and she’s supposed to be a solo laner mage and I think a bunny girl? I wonder if she’ll make it into 2XKO
byu/Poniibeatnik in2XKO


While we await official confirmation from Riot Games, the potential leak of Aurora as the new champion has sparked excitement within the community. Stay tuned for more updates and prepare to welcome Aurora to the Rift.

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