Overwatch 2 Considers Bringing Back 6v6 Competitive Mode

Overwatch 2 Considers Bringing Back 6v6 Competitive Mode

26. July 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

In response to persistent community feedback, Overwatch 2 developers are exploring the reintroduction of the 6v6 game mode, a feature from the original Overwatch. This potential change could reshape the competitive landscape of the game, offering a new dynamic for players.

Developer Insights: The Shift from 6v6 to 5v5

Aaron Keller, the game lead for Overwatch 2, addressed the community’s calls for the return of 6v6 in a recent developer blog. The original Overwatch utilized a 6v6 format, but Overwatch 2 transitioned to a 5v5 model to streamline gameplay and address some of the game’s balancing issues.

Keller discussed the challenges that accompanied this transition, particularly focusing on queue times and technical constraints. The shift to 5v5 significantly reduced the need for tanks, which in turn minimized queue times—a persistent problem in the 6v6 system where players often faced long waits for a tank to become available.


Exploring 6v6: Community Demand and Developer Challenges

The renewed interest in 6v6 comes from ongoing player requests and frustration with the current 5v5 setup. Keller acknowledged the community’s desire for experimentation, stating that the development team is considering various forms of 6v6 to evaluate their impact on gameplay.

However, reintroducing 6v6 is not without its hurdles. Keller pointed out several key issues:

  • Technical Demands: Adding two more players per team increases the technical complexity of balancing the game, particularly with the upgraded graphics and new hero kits in Overwatch 2.
  • Queue Times: Reverting to 6v6 could exacerbate queue time issues, which were alleviated by the 5v5 format. Keller referred to this as his “Pandora’s Box” of problems.
  • Game Performance: The new game engine and graphical enhancements make it more demanding to run 6v6 games smoothly, especially on older systems.

Potential Formats and Future Experiments

Keller hinted at a future where both 5v5 and 6v6 might coexist, allowing players to choose their preferred mode. He also mentioned the possibility of introducing hybrid formats that balance team compositions more flexibly than the rigid 6v6 or the open queue system.

In the interim, players can expect to see various tests, including different configurations of 5v5 and 6v6, and possibly a “Quick Play: Hacked” mode in season 13 that experiments with these new values and roles.

Key Takeaways

  • Testing Period: Developers are planning tests for 6v6 and other team composition formats in Overwatch 2.
  • Community Feedback: The move is a direct response to player feedback and requests for more varied gameplay options.
  • Technical and Balancing Challenges: Significant hurdles include managing game performance, queue times, and adapting the game’s technical framework.

ow2 cast


The potential return of the 6v6 mode in Overwatch 2 represents a significant shift in the game’s competitive dynamics. By exploring various formats and incorporating community feedback, the developers aim to refine the gameplay experience and address long-standing issues.

Players can look forward to a range of new experiments in the upcoming seasons, offering fresh perspectives on team composition and game balance.

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