Overwatch 2: New Hero Juno Captivates Support Players with Her Versatility and Fun

Overwatch 2: New Hero Juno Captivates Support Players with Her Versatility and Fun

22. July 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Overwatch 2’s latest addition, Juno, is already making waves in the support role. After enduring long queue times and spending a few games with the new hero, it’s clear that Juno is set to become a favorite among players.

A Refreshing Approach to Support

Juno’s design strikes a perfect balance between accessibility and effectiveness. With a straightforward gameplay mechanic, she simplifies the support role while offering valuable contributions to both healing and damage. Her core abilities are easy to grasp: shoot allies to heal them and enemies to inflict damage.

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Weaponry and Damage Output

Juno wields a burst SMG with a sizable magazine of 180 rounds, firing in 12-round bursts. This allows her to sustain fire for extended periods—15 bursts before needing a reload. While this may seem potent, it feels well-balanced in practice, without being overly oppressive.

Notably, Juno’s damage is restrained by her inability to deal critical hits, a deliberate design choice to prevent her DPS from becoming overpowering.

Key Abilities and Mobility

One of Juno’s standout features is her mobility. Her Glide Boost (Shift) is indispensable, enabling her to quickly enter or exit engagements. With a four-second glide duration, she can maneuver effectively, healing allies from above or escaping dangerous situations.

Her alternate fire, Pulsar Torpedoes, locks onto both allies and enemies, launching projectiles while she remains stationary. This ability is excellent for dealing with enemies in cover, finishing off fleeing targets, or initiating fights, although it does restrict her from firing during its use.

The Hyper Ring ability provides a brief speed boost within a small area. While it may not completely overshadow Lúcio’s speed boosts, it adds a valuable dimension to Juno’s kit, making her a versatile support hero.

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Ultimate Ability: Orbital Ray

Juno’s ultimate, Orbital Ray, could be a game-changer if used strategically. This AoE beam heals allies and amplifies their damage, but it can only be cast directly in front of her. This limitation requires Juno to position herself strategically, often putting herself at risk. However, her agility helps mitigate this risk, making her ultimate a powerful tool in the right hands.

Why Juno is a Game-Changer

Juno’s design emphasizes fun and simplicity, making her more enjoyable to play compared to recent support heroes like Kiriko, Lifeweaver, or Illari. Her engaging gameplay and effective kit make her a promising addition to Overwatch 2, and her anticipated release with Season 12 on August 20 is already causing excitement among support players.

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Overall, Juno’s blend of ease of use and impactful abilities positions her as a significant addition to Overwatch 2’s roster. As players adapt to her playstyle, it’s likely she will become a staple in the support role, delighting fans and potentially reshaping the support meta.

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