Overwatch 2 Patch Introduces Nerfs to Orisa and Venture

Overwatch 2 Patch Introduces Nerfs to Orisa and Venture

1. May 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

In the latest Overwatch 2 patch released today, significant changes have been made to two heroes, Orisa and Venture, alongside a notable adjustment to all DPS heroes’ passive abilities.

Orisa and Venture Nerfs

Orisa and Venture have both received nerfs in response to their perceived strength since the start of the new season.

Orisa’s Fortify ability has been substantially nerfed, reducing its duration from 4.5 seconds to 3.5 seconds and causing the tank to move 20 percent slower while active. Additionally, Orisa’s Javelin Spin ability now has a longer cooldown, increased to nine seconds from seven.

orisa 01


Venture, the new DPS hero, has also been tweaked with slight nerfs. Drill Dash’s impact damage has been decreased from 40 to 30, and the Ultimate charge cost of Tectonic Shock has been increased by 10 percent. Furthermore, the maximum explosion damage of SMART Excavator’s primary fire has been lowered to 40 from 45.

Passive Ability Adjustment for DPS Heroes

A global change affecting all DPS heroes is an increase in their passive ability’s impact. Damaging an enemy with a DPS hero will now reduce enemy healing by 20 percent, up from the previous 15 percent.



Upcoming Midseason Tank Changes

Lead gameplay designer Alec Dawson has hinted at additional tank changes coming in the midseason patch, anticipated to arrive in the next few weeks.

For a comprehensive list of changes, including bug fixes, refer to the full patch notes available on the Overwatch 2 website under the April 30 update.



The recent Overwatch 2 patch brings important balance changes, particularly targeting Orisa and Venture to address their perceived strength in the current meta.

These adjustments aim to promote a healthier gameplay experience by fine-tuning hero abilities and interactions. Additionally, the increased impact of DPS heroes’ passive abilities introduces new dynamics to combat scenarios.

Stay tuned for further updates and adjustments as Overwatch 2 continues to evolve.

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