All Buffs and Nerfs for Worlds 2024: Patch Notes 14.18 Overview

All Buffs and Nerfs for Worlds 2024: Patch Notes 14.18 Overview

4. September 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Patch 14.18 is set to be the official version used for Worlds 2024, and Riot Games has already revealed the key changes affecting champions, items, and runes. With over 30 champion adjustments, as well as significant system tweaks, this patch aims to balance the competitive landscape and ensure an exciting tournament.

Champion Buffs

  • Ahri: Increased damage on E from 80-200 (+60% AP) to 80-240 (+75% AP).
  • Gnar: Gains +3 AD.
  • Hwei (Support): W+W shield strength for allies increased from 50% to 75%.
  • Jarvan IV: Passive damage increased from 7% to 8%.
  • Jax: Details not yet known.
  • Jayce:
    • Melee Q slow increased from 30-55% to 35-60%.
    • Ranged E speed boost increased from 30-55% to 35-60%.
  • Jinx: Attack speed growth increased from 1 to 1.4.
  • Lulu: Passive damage increased from 3-37 to 5-39.
  • Malphite: Passive shield increased from 9% to 10% of maximum health.
  • Samira: Q damage increased from 0/5/10/15/20 + 85/95/105/115/125% AD to 0/5/10/15/20 + 95/102.5/110/117.5/125% AD.
  • Shen: Passive shield increased from 47-101 (+12% bonus health) to 47-120 (+13% bonus health).
  • Viego:
    • Base AD increased from 57 to 60.
    • Q damage to monsters reduced from 20 to 15.
  • Xin Zhao:
    • Armor growth increased from 4.7 to 5.
    • Q bonus damage per hit increased from 16-52 to 16-68.
    • Maximum Q bonus damage increased from 48-156 to 48-204.

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Champion Nerfs

  • Aurora:
    • Maximum R jump range reduced from 450 to 250.
    • R wall jump distance significantly reduced from 700 to 450 (most large walls can no longer be jumped).
    • R duration reduced from 3/3.5/4 to 2/2.5/3 seconds.
  • Azir: R damage reduced from 200/400/600 (+75% AP) to 175/325/475 (+60% AP).
  • Corki: Q damage reduced from 70-270 to 70-250.
  • Ivern:
    • E shield reduced from 85-245 to 75-235.
    • E slow reduced from 45-65% to 40-60%.
  • Leona: Armor reduced from 47 to 43.
  • Lillia:
    • Passive damage to monsters reduced from 70-100 to 65 maximum.
    • R sleep duration changed from 2/2.25/2.5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Lissandra: Q AP ratio reduced from 85% to 75%.
  • Maokai:
    • E cooldown increased from 16-12 seconds to 18-14 seconds.
    • E duration in brushes changed from 30 seconds + 2.5% bonus health to 30 seconds + 1.5% bonus health.
  • Miss Fortune: AD reduced from 55 to 53.
  • Nasus:
    • E initial damage reduced from 55-215 to 50-170.
    • E DPS reduced from 11-43 to 10-34.
    • E maximum damage reduced from 110-430 to 100-340.

Riot Nerfs Nasus and Garen in Patch 14.18 Ahead of Worlds 2024

  • Rell:
    • Initial E movement speed reduced from 9-15% to 9-12%.
    • Maximum E movement speed reduced from 24-40% to 24-32%.
  • Rumble:
    • Q damage changed from 80-180 (+110% AP) + 6-10% max health to 60-180 (+100% AP) + 6-10% max health.
    • E damage changed from 60-160 (+50% AP) to 50-150 (+50% AP).
  • Smolder:
    • Q damage changed from 20-60 (+100% AD) + 15% AP to 15-55 (+100% AD) with no AP scaling.
    • W global damage reduced from 50-170 to 45-165.
  • Varus:
    • Q AD ratio reduced from 150-190% to 130-170%.
    • E AD ratio reduced from 110% to 100%.
  • Vi:
    • Minimum Q damage reduced from 50-150 to 45-145.
    • Maximum Q damage changed from 100-300 to 90-290.
  • Zeri:
    • Passive damage changed from 90-200 + 1.15% max health to 75-160 + 1-11% max health.
    • Scaling is now linear instead of stat growth.
  • Ziggs:
    • Passive damage to structures reduced from 250% to 175%.
    • Passive damage reduced from 50-400 (+125% AP) to 35-280 (+87.5% AP).

System Adjustments

  • Luden’s (Item):
    • AP increased from 95 to 100.
    • Price reduced from 2900 to 2850.
    • Haste reduced from 25 to 20.
  • Shadowflame (Item):
    • AP reduced from 120 to 115.
    • Magic penetration increased from 12 to 15.
    • Passive cap is now 40%, up from 35%.
    • DoT damage reduced from 30% to 25%.
  • Stormrazor (Item):
    • Magic penetration increased from 10 to 15.
    • Movement speed reduced from 8% to 5%.
    • Passive cap reduced from 35% to 25%.
    • Ranged effectiveness increased from 90% to 100%.
  • Bloodthirster (Item):
    • Lifesteal reduced from 18% to 15%.
    • Shield changed from 50-400 to 165-315.
    • Shield value at level 8 changed from 194 to 165.
  • Immortal Shieldbow (Item):
    • Ranged shield changed from 320-720 to 320-560.
    • Melee shield changed from 320-720 to 400-700.
  • Tower Protection (System):
    • Permanent resistances for plate destruction changed from 40 to 50.
    • Temporary resistances during 20 seconds after plate destruction changed from 45 per champion to 20 per champion.
  • Tower Fortification (System):
    • Towers now take 10% less damage in the first 5 minutes of the game.
  • Fleet Footwork (Rune):
    • Healing for melee champions changed from 5-100 to 10-130.
    • Healing for ranged champions changed from 5-100 to 6-78.
    • Healing modification on melee minions reduced from 20% to 15%, and on ranged minions increased from 10% to 15%.
    • Melee movement speed increased from 15% to 20%, while ranged remains the same at 15%.

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Patch 14.18 is a pivotal update that will shape the competitive scene at Worlds 2024. With significant buffs and nerfs across various champions, items, and systems, teams will need to adapt their strategies to align with these changes.

As the tournament approaches, players and coaches must thoroughly understand these updates to gain an edge over their competitors.

Riot Games to Nerf Nasus and Garen in Patch 14.18: What You Need to Know