In the wake of Blizzard Entertainment’s decision to leave “Heroes of the Storm” (HotS) in “permanent maintenance mode” in 2022, the game’s future seemed bleak. However, a group of dedicated modders is now attempting to breathe new life into the game with their StarCraft 2 mod, aptly named “Resurgence of the Storm” (RotS).
The Birth of “Resurgence of the Storm”
- Development Time: Over four years of meticulous work.
- Playtesting: The past year has been dedicated to refining the gameplay.
- Release: Now available to the public as a free mod for StarCraft 2.
Mod Details
- Content: Inspired by HotS, featuring two maps and numerous heroes.
- Modifications: Due to engine limitations, some heroes and gameplay elements have been altered or reimagined.
Challenges and Innovations
- Technical Hurdles: Not all HotS features could be replicated within the StarCraft 2 engine.
- Creative Solutions: The mod team had to innovate, especially with hero abilities and in-game models.
Financial Strain on Developers
- Development Team: A small group of four modders, led by zeroLamberg.
- Funding Issues: The team faces discontinuation in March unless sufficient donations are received.
Blizzard’s Role and Community Efforts
- Game Status: HotS was shifted to “permanent maintenance mode” as of 2022.
- Community Response: Fans and modders have taken it upon themselves to keep the MOBA spirit alive.
A Labor of Love
“Resurgence of the Storm” represents a passionate effort by the HotS community to save a beloved game. The success of this ambitious project now hinges on the support of players and fans. It’s a reminder of the power of community in the gaming world and the impact of collective efforts in preserving gaming legacies.