Riot Games, a titan in the gaming industry, and GGTech Entertainment, a renowned esports tournament organizer, are uniting for an exciting new season of Teamfight Tactics (TFT) in North America. The partnership heralds a significant expansion for TFT’s esports presence in the region.
TFT Remix Rumble: A New Competitive Chapter
Teamfight Tactics, launched by Riot Games in 2019, has been a success story in both mobile and PC gaming. The game’s first large-scale LAN event this December in Las Vegas, boasting a $300,000 prize pool, marks its growing influence in the competitive gaming world.
The Season Structure
- Two Main Cups: The season comprises two distinct segments: the K/DA Cup and the Heartsteel Cup.
- Advancement to Finals: Top players from these cups will earn spots in the regional finals.
- The Remix Rumble Championship: The season’s highlight, where finalists compete for the coveted title.
Prize Pool Details
- Cup Rewards: Each of the two cups offers a $12,500 prize.
- Finals Incentive: A substantial $35,000 prize awaits the victors in the finals.
GGTech’s Growing Influence
GGTech’s role as the official tournament organizer and broadcast operator for the TFT Remix Rumble signifies its expanding footprint in North America. This collaboration with Riot Games builds on their successful history in esports, including university-level projects and the Spike Nations initiative.
Riot Games and GGTech Team Up for TFT Remix Rumble Season
The TFT Remix Rumble Season represents a major step forward for competitive Teamfight Tactics, offering players a structured and rewarding esports experience. As Riot Games and GGTech Entertainment strengthen their partnership, the future of TFT esports looks brighter than ever.