Riot Games, widely recognized for its gaming and multimedia ventures, launched its Social Impact Fund in 2019, aiming to amplify its global impact. This non-profit engine stands as a testament to Riot’s commitment to social responsibility.
The Fund’s Strategic Partnership with ImpactAssets
In collaboration with ImpactAssets, the fund has achieved a far-reaching influence, aiding in durable assistance to communities worldwide. Operating as a separate entity from Riot Games, it makes direct investments in organizations addressing urgent global challenges.
This approach simplifies donating to international charities, ensuring a widespread positive impact across the gaming community’s diverse locales.
Empowering Communities Globally
Designed to benefit communities internationally, the fund offers Riot players the opportunity to nominate non-profits for grants. A significant portion of the funds raised, including those from initiatives like Sentinels of Light, go to causes chosen by the players and non-profits, enabling swift and effective responses to emerging opportunities.
The Fund’s Core Objectives
Riot’s Social Impact Fund focuses on addressing systemic issues and behavioral changes across four pillars: Education, Opportunity, Citizenship, and Sustainability. The fund adopts unique, evidence-based approaches for lasting impact in these areas, requiring thorough research and collaborative project development.
Uniting the Riot Community
As Riot Games expands into a multi-game and multimedia company, it seeks to unite its community in shared impact efforts. Thanks to the players’ contributions, the fund has raised $50M, supporting 450 organizations across 28 regions to date.
Rigorous Grant Review and Approval Process
All grants, investments, or supports proposed by the Social Impact Fund undergo a stringent review and approval process by an independent third party, ImpactAssets. This ensures suitability, perceived self-service, and compliance, maintaining the fund’s integrity and effectiveness.
A Beacon of Positive Global Impact
The Riot Games Social Impact Fund’s achievement in raising $50M is a landmark in corporate philanthropy, demonstrating the power of the gaming community in driving meaningful change worldwide.
The fund’s strategic approach and rigorous review process ensure impactful and sustainable contributions, reflecting Riot’s dedication to creating a positive global footprint.