Riot Games to Nerf Nasus and Garen in Patch 14.18: What You Need to Know

Riot Games to Nerf Nasus and Garen in Patch 14.18: What You Need to Know

3. September 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

With the rise of Nasus in the mid lane and Garen’s dominance, Riot Games has announced significant nerfs for both champions in the upcoming Patch 14.18, aiming to balance the game ahead of Worlds 2024.

Nasus: Mid Lane Menace Gets Toned Down

Nasus, traditionally a top lane juggernaut, has unexpectedly surged in popularity as a mid lane pick in professional play. Mid laners in the LCK, including legendary players like Faker, Showmaker, and Zeka, have been utilizing Nasus to great effect, leveraging his surprising resilience and scaling power.

However, with Worlds 2024 on the horizon and Patch 14.18 set to be the competitive patch, Riot is stepping in to curb Nasus’s newfound dominance. The primary focus of these nerfs will be on his Spirit Fire (E), which has been a key factor in his laning success.

nasus nightbringer 762x

Detailed Nerfs for Nasus in Patch 14.18

  • Spirit Fire (E):
    • Base Damage: Reduced from 55-215 to 55-175.
    • Damage Per Second: Reduced from 11-43 to 11-35.
    • Total Damage: Reduced from 110-430 to 110-350.

These adjustments target Nasus’s ability to control the early game. The reduced damage from Spirit Fire (E) is designed to weaken his laning phase, making it harder for him to safely farm and scale into the late game where he becomes a major threat.


Garen: A Spin to Win No More?

Alongside Nasus, Garen is also on the nerf list for Patch 14.18. Although specific details regarding Garen’s nerfs have yet to be fully disclosed, it’s clear that Riot intends to tone down his overwhelming presence in both solo queue and competitive play.

Garen has been a consistent force in recent patches, with his simple yet effective playstyle often dominating lower and mid-tier play.

Garen 5

Implications for Competitive Play

With Worlds 2024 set to be played on Patch 14.18, these changes are likely aimed at shaping the meta for the tournament. Nasus’s emergence as a mid-lane pick has caught many off-guard, but Riot’s swift response suggests they are keen to prevent him from becoming a must-pick at the event.


Riot Games is making preemptive strikes against champions that could disrupt the balance of competitive play in the upcoming Worlds 2024. Nasus’s nerfs in Patch 14.18 are a direct response to his unexpected rise in the mid lane, aiming to curb his influence before it becomes problematic on the world stage.

As for Garen, more details will emerge, but players can expect a similar approach to keep the game balanced.

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