Senna AP Faces Major Nerfs Ahead of Worlds 2024: Will She Still Be a Contender?

Senna AP Faces Major Nerfs Ahead of Worlds 2024: Will She Still Be a Contender?

21. August 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

Riot Games is set to introduce significant nerfs to Senna in patch 14.17, the last patch before Worlds 2024. These changes seem aimed at preventing her from becoming a dominant force in the tournament. With the stakes so high, will Senna still play a pivotal role in the biggest event of the year?

Senna AP’s Rise to Power

In recent patches, Senna has re-emerged as a powerful support, particularly in the AP (Ability Power) role. Her healing potential, bolstered by recent buffs to her Q (Piercing Darkness) and R (Dawning Shadow), has made her a formidable enchanter in late-game teamfights.

With an AP build that’s relatively easy to achieve, Senna’s ability to sustain her team has turned the tide in numerous matches, making her one of the top picks in patch 14.16.However, this surge in power has not gone unnoticed. Riot Games is now stepping in with substantial nerfs aimed at reining in Senna’s influence before the 2024 World Championship.

Senna 26

Patch 14.17: The Nerfs to Senna AP

Scheduled for release on August 28, patch 14.17 brings harsh nerfs to Senna’s AP scaling, particularly targeting her healing and shielding capabilities. The changes are as follows:

  • Q (Piercing Darkness) Healing: Reduced from 40-120 + 80% AP to 40-100 + 60% AP.
  • R (Dawning Shadow) Shield: AP ratio reduced from 70% to 50%.

These adjustments will significantly lower Senna’s effectiveness in late-game scenarios, where her healing and shielding were previously overwhelming. The reduced scaling means that Senna will no longer provide the same level of sustain, making her less likely to dominate in extended teamfights.

Impact on Worlds 2024: Will Senna Still Be Relevant?

The timing of these nerfs is critical, as patch 14.18 will be the version used in Worlds 2024. Riot’s intention seems clear: to prevent Senna from being a permanent ban or a must-pick in the tournament. But will these changes be enough to remove her from the competitive spotlight?

Despite the nerfs,Senna’suniquekit still offers considerable utility, including crowd control and team support, which could keep her in the meta. Her flexibility as a flex pick—capable of being played as AD carry, support AD, or even in unconventional roles like toplane or midlane—adds to her strategic value.

However, much will depend on how other supports are balanced leading up to Worlds 2024. The current meta is heavily dominated by melee champions with Warmog’s Armor builds, and if these champions remain strong, Senna might struggle to find her place.

Patch 14.17 – Nerfs incoming for AP (fun while it lasted)
byu/Lemme_LoL insennamains

Final Thoughts: Senna’s Future in Competitive Play

Senna AP’s future in the Worlds 2024 meta is uncertain. While the nerfs will undoubtedly curb her power, her versatility and utility could still make her a valuable pick, especially if teams find creative ways to leverage her strengths.

As the competitive landscape continues to evolve, all eyes will be on how these changes impact her presence on the world stage.

League of Legends: Senna Gets Major Support Changes in Patch 14.16