TFT Patch 14.17 Notes: Buffs, Nerfs, and All Adjustments

TFT Patch 14.17 Notes: Buffs, Nerfs, and All Adjustments

29. August 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

A new TFT patch has arrived, bringing balance changes and new playable compositions to shake up the meta. Discover the latest updates in patch 14.17.

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Patch 14.17 is here, introducing a range of updates aimed at balancing the metagame. From tweaks to champion power levels to adjustments in item effectiveness, this patch seeks to refine the gameplay experience and offer fresh strategies for players.

Below, we break down the key changes so you can adapt your playstyle and continue to dominate the arena.

Trait Changes in Patch 14.17

  • Arcane Emblem Damage Amplification: Increased base damage amplification from 6/9/12/15% to 8/12/18/25%.
  • Arcane Emblem Damage per Emblem: Reduced from 3/5/7/10% to 2/3/4/6%.
  • Arcane Hecarim Attack Damage: Buffed from 10/25/45/70% to 10/25/50/80%.
  • Arcane Xerath True Damage per 3 Amulets: Decreased from 3/5/7/10% to 2/4/6/9%.
  • Bastion Magic Resist/Armor: Improved from 15/40/70/120 to 15/40/75/140.
  • Chrono Freeze Duration at 4: Increased from 2.5 seconds to 3 seconds.
  • Chrono 4 Ability Power: Buffed from 35 to 45.
  • Chrono 6 Attack Speed: Increased from 60% to 80%.
  • Supernatural Ability Power per Star Level: Increased from 10 to 12.
  • Supernatural Beast of a Thousand Eyes HP at 7: Buffed from 1000 to 1100.
  • Fairy Crown Damage Amplification: Changed from 25/40/45/75% to 25/40/50/75%.
  • Fairy Queen’s Guard HP (Fairy 6): Increased from 150 to 250.
  • Fairy Queen’s Guard Armor/Magic Resist (Fairy 6): Buffed from 30 to 40.
  • Fairy Monarch Eternal Crown Damage Amplification at 25 Stacks (Fairy 9): Greatly increased from 15% to 50%.
  • Melimancy Bees: Increased from 3/5/7 to 3/6/9.
  • Hunters’ Attack Damage: Increased from 15/40/70% to 15/45/80%.
  • Hunters’ Subsequent Kill Attack Damage: Increased from 30/65/110% to 30/70/120%.
  • Incantum Team Ability Power: Buffed from 10/20 to 10/30.
  • Mages’ Ability Power: Increased from 70/90/105/135% to 70/90/110/150%.

TFT Set 12 Lillia

Additional Trait Adjustments

  • Multiattacker Extra Attack Chance: Adjusted from 30/55/70/100% to 30/60/70/100%.
  • Portal Bomb Base Damage: Reduced from 90/285/400/1250 to 90/235/300/1250.
  • Portal Banner Attack Speed: Increased from 20/21/22/55% to 20/25/30/55%.
  • Portal Porogalleta Healing: Improved from 6.5/7/7.5/9% of HP to 7/8/9/15% of HP.
  • Pyromancy Team Attack Speed per Ash: Changed from 1% per 4 to 2% per 5.
  • Pyromancy Attack Speed: Adjusted from 12/25/45/60% to 10/25/40/55%.
  • Pyromancy Execution Threshold: Adjusted from 12/12/12/15% to 10/10/10/15%.
  • Shapeshifters’ Health: Increased from 10/15/21/30% to 10/16/24/35%.
  • Glucomancy Ability Power/Attack Damage: Increased from 12/25/35 to 20/30/40.
  • Glucomancy Extra Sugar Activation Points: Adjusted from 600/950/1325/1750/2200 to 600/975/1375/1800/2300.
  • Warriors’ Damage Amplification/Lifesteal: Changed from 10/20/30% to 10/18/30%.

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Champion Changes

1-Cost Units:

  • Jayce Attack Damage: Increased from 50 to 55.
  • Nomsy Spell Damage: Increased from 345/350/355% to 400/400/400%.
  • Soraka Spell Damage: Buffed from 195/290/440 to 200/300/450.
  • Soraka Spell Healing: Buffed from 100/120/150 to 120/140/180.
  • Twitch Spell Attack Damage Percentage: Increased from 160/160/160% to 180/180/190%.
  • Ziggs Mana: Reduced from 0/50 to 0/40.

2-Cost Units:

  • Ahri Ability Magic Damage: Reduced from 140/210/325% to 135/200/310%.
  • Ahri Ability True Damage: Reduced from 90/135/210% to 85/125/195%.
  • Akali Kunai Damage: Decreased from 155/155/170% to 135/135/150%.
  • Cassiopeia Attack Speed: Increased from 0.75 to 0.8.
  • Shyvana Armor/Magic Resist: Buffed from 40 to 45.
  • Shyvana Ability Damage: Increased from 45/65/100% + 1% HP to 50/70/110% + 1% HP.

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3-Cost Units:

  • Hecarim Health: Increased from 800 to 850.
  • Hecarim Mana: Reduced from 0/50 to 0/40.
  • Hecarim Charge Passive Attack Damage Percentage: Increased from 50% to 120%.
  • Hecarim Charge Passive Ability Power: Reduced from 100/150/240 to 80/120/195.
  • Hecarim Slash Attack Damage Percentage: Increased from 130/130/140% to 145/145/155%.
  • Jinx True Damage Bug Fix: Now correctly calculates additional true damage based on final attack damage, not base attack damage.
  • Jinx Attack Damage: Reduced from 55 to 50.
  • Jinx Spell Attack Speed: Reduced from 105% to 100%.
  • Jinx Spell True Damage Attack Ratio: Reduced from 35% to 25%.
  • Swain Armor/Magic Resist: Increased from 45 to 50.
  • Swain First Cast Health: Increased from 275/325/400 to 300/375/450.
  • Swain Subsequent Cast Health: Increased from 150/200/275 to 180/230/280.
  • Swain First Cast Damage: Reduced from 30/40/65 to 20/30/50.
  • Veigar Spell Damage: Buffed from 200/300/480 to 240/330/475.
  • Veigar Charm Ability Power: Reduced from 3 to 2.
  • Vex Anti-Magic Shield: Increased from 350/405/480 to 380/430/480.

4-Cost Units:

  • Gwen Max Mana: Reduced from 0/40 to 0/30.
  • Gwen Casts Per Slice: Reduced from 2 to 1.
  • Gwen Base Spell Damage: Reduced from 125/190/570% to 95/145/430%.
  • Gwen Small Slice Damage: Reduced from 50/75/225% to 40/60/180%.
  • Nami Bubble Damage: Buffed from 220/330/1500 to 240/360/1800.
  • Nasus Ability Lifesteal: Reduced from 400/600/5000 to 300/480/5000.

5-Cost Units:

  • Briar Attack Speed on Transformation: Increased from 60/60/666% to 75/75/666%.
  • Briar Bite Attack Damage Percentage: Increased from 200/200/999% to 250/250/2000%.
  • Briar Voracious Trait Missing Health Damage: Increased from 0.6% to 0.8%.
  • Briar Voracious Trait Health Gain on Feeding: Increased from 150 to 180.
  • Briar [Hyper Roll] Voracious Trait Missing Health Damage: Increased from 3% to 4%.
  • Morgana Spell Damage: Buffed from 140/210/888 to 150/225/2000.
  • Morgana Spell True Damage Threshold: Increased from 25% to 33%.
  • Milio Mana: Changed from 30/130 to 40/120.
  • Milio Spell Damage: Increased from 290/435/999 to 333/500/1000.
  • Xerath Spell Damage: Increased from 200/300/666 to 220/330/777.

Note: Several Ascendant Amulets of Xerath, including The Chariot, Judgment, The Lovers, The Sun, and The World, received buffs. Check the amulet section for detailed changes.


This patch introduces a host of changes, and it’s essential to understand how they impact your strategies. Adapt your builds and compositions accordingly to stay ahead of the competition in the ever-evolving world of TFT!

TFT Patch 14.16B: Comprehensive Changes for Set 12