The three best-aiming trainers to improve the skills of VALORANT

The three best-aiming trainers to improve the skills of VALORANT

30. April 2023 by miranda angeles

VALORANT is a tactical shooter mainly oriented on the players’ skills. So the better your skills are, the more chances you have to win the games with your team.

A key element in the game is the aim. No strategy will be useful if you can not back it up with the aim. That is why all novice players who are not as skilled with marksmanship must some training.

Remember that practice makes perfect. The more you practice, the better your skill will be. If you don’t know where to practice, here are the three best marksmanship trainers.

The three best-aiming trainers to improve the skills of VALORANT is one of the best aiming trainers for VALORANT players. This aiming trainer offers users video guides where they find more than 60 lessons. But that’s not all; it also has at the disposal of all users more than 100 training exercises, among which you can get:

  • Fast movements
  • Target change
  • Target tracking and many more.

So if you want to improve and rank quickly, this marksmanship trainer is a great option.

aiming pro preview


Another aiming trainer is Kovaak. Again, you can say that this is a very clean and optimized aiming trainer with hundreds of drills available for all players.

This trainer can be configured very easily. It also has great sensitivity so that users can feel it like VALORANT. But that’s not all; Kovaak offers excellent guides where players will find useful tips to apply in Riot Games’ shooter.

With this aiming trainer, all users can go from less to more in their practices, where they can increase the speed of the targets. It allows all rookies to master the game and have fast and controlled movements. In addition, as users improve their skills, they can perfectly master the mouse control and apply what they have practiced in real VALORANT games.

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The most popular aiming trainer within the VALORANT community is Aimlab. It is a free application with millions of users.

In addition, Aimlab has been the official partner of the NA VALORANT Challenger Series as the aiming trainer for Riot’s shooter. This aiming trainer offers in-app settings for players to experience an environment like VALORANT.

Aimlab users have endless material to practice and keep track of their training.

Aimlab adds VALORANT maps

Regardless of which marksmanship trainer you decide to use, it would help if you remember that marksmanship practice requires a lot of time to improve to the level you want to reach. Improving your marksmanship skills is like learning to play a new musical instrument. First, your muscles must get used to the movements and gradually improve your reflexes.

So we recommend you have patience and not stop practicing until you achieve your goals.