Japan’s Title, renowned as the Set 9 world champion, added another feather to his cap by clinching the title at the Set 10 TFT Mid-Set Invitational. The event marked a pivotal moment in TFT history, bringing together 24 elite players from across the globe.
The Invitational’s Unique Format: Inaugural Mid-Set Invitational
- Participants: 24 top-tier players, including former world champions and regional victors.
- Format: Two-day competition, 12 games, with the final 8 advancing to the decisive day.
Final Day Dynamics
- Victory Condition: First to reach 20 points and win a game.
- Game Limit: Maximum of 8 games.
- Finalists: Seven players were at the brink of victory entering the sixth game.
Strategic Reroll Compositions Dominate
- Key strategies involved reroll compositions centered around 3-cost units.
- Riven, Yone, Lux, Samira, and Miss Fortune rerolls were prominently featured.
The Decisive Match: Final Game Showdown
- Title’s Position: Tied for fourth with 21 points, needed a win.
- Competitors’ Strategies: Various reroll compositions, with Title opting for Samira reroll.
Early Eliminations
- Chuqi and Milala: Struggled with their 3-star units, exiting in 7th and 8th place.
Title’s Path to Victory
- Strategic Advantage: Utilized Samira reroll effectively, complemented by Vex 3.
- Crucial Moments: Executed a 6 executioner variant for Samira, securing Samira 3 and duplicating Vex 3.
Title’s Glorious Win
In a thrilling finale against point-leader YFTX and his Yone reroll, Title demonstrated exceptional skill and strategic acumen. His mastery over the 6 executioner variant with Samira led to his victorious moment at the Mid-Set Invitational.
A New Milestone for Title in Teamfight Tactics
Title’s victory at the TFT Mid-Set Invitational is a testament to his enduring prowess in Teamfight Tactics. His adaptability and strategic depth serve as an inspiration in the ever-evolving world of TFT.