Valorant Announces New Structure for VCT Challengers, VCT Game Changers, Premier EMEA, and VRCs in 2025

Valorant Announces New Structure for VCT Challengers, VCT Game Changers, Premier EMEA, and VRCs in 2025

26. June 2024 by Valentin Pasetti

In 2025, Valorant Esports is set to undergo significant changes with a revamped structure for the VCT Challengers, VCT Game Changers, Premier EMEA, and VRCs. This announcement comes as Riot Games aims to streamline and enhance the competitive pathway for players in the EMEA region.

A New Era for Valorant Challengers EMEA

Starting next year, the Valorant Challengers in EMEA will adopt a new three-stage structure, each stage divided into two distinct parts. This evolution aims to offer a clearer and more competitive path to professional play.

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Structure and Format:

  • Three Stages: Each stage will begin with a regular league phase, with formats to be detailed later. The top two teams from each league will then advance to the new Challengers EMEA tournament, where the best teams from the region will compete at the end of each stage.
  • Regional Focus: While most regions will participate in each stage, MENA will compete in the Challengers EMEA tournament only during Stage 3, participating in separate playoffs for Stages 1 and 2.

Championship Points and Ascension

The new system will rely on Championship Points to determine which teams qualify for the Ascension tournament, leading to VCT EMEA. Teams will earn points based on their performance throughout the season, with more details on the point system to be released soon.

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Expansion of Challengers Spain

In a move to strengthen the competitive scene, Italy and Portugal will join Challengers Spain: Rising. This integration will create a more robust league, allowing top teams from each country to compete without being considered imports. The league will expand to eight teams, with slots allocated to top performers from the existing leagues and a wildcard spot.

Continuing the Valorant Regional Circuits (VRC)

The VRCs, introduced in 2024, will remain a key pathway to professional play in EMEA. Teams will continue to have the opportunity to qualify for promotion/relegation tournaments, competing in both Premier and VRC events throughout the year.

Game Changers: Express Lane Mechanic

Game Changers has significantly impacted Valorant Esports, particularly in EMEA. Riot Games will introduce an “Express Lane Mechanic” to allow Game Changers teams to compete in Challengers League Open Qualifiers without missing overlapping Game Changers events. This change aims to support the growth of women’s esports in Valorant.

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Upcoming Tournaments in 2024

As 2024 draws to a close, several key tournaments will set the stage for the new structure:

  • Valorant Challengers Spain: Rising (Sept 25): A qualifying tournament featuring teams from Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Premier.
  • Valorant Challengers DACH: Evolution (Sept 27): The “Pokal” returns, featuring teams from Project V, Challengers DACH, and Premier.
  • Valorant Challengers East: Surge (Oct 4): A league competition with a mix of Challengers League teams, open qualifiers, and Premier teams.
  • Valorant Challengers North: Polaris (Nov): An eight-team double-elimination tournament running until December.
  • Additional Tournaments: Details on Challengers France, Turkey, and MENA will be announced later.

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Riot Games’ new structure for Valorant Esports in 2025 aims to provide a more cohesive and competitive pathway for players in the EMEA region.

With changes to the Challengers system, Championship Points, and expanded regional leagues, the future looks bright for aspiring Valorant professionals.

Stay tuned for more updates as Riot Games continues to refine and enhance the competitive landscape of Valorant.